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GP Hotline: How to File a Complaint to Grameenphone Ltd?


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Grameenphone Ltd. (GP) is the largest mobile telecommunications operator in Bangladesh, with over 82 million subscribers as of December 2023. GP offers a range of voice, data, and messaging services, as well as OTT, pay TV services, and financial solutions to its subscribers. It is a joint venture between Telenor Group, a Norwegian multinational telecom company, and Grameen Telecom, a social enterprise affiliated with Grameen Bank, that aims to provide affordable and accessible telecommunication services to the rural poor of Bangladesh.

However, despite its market leadership and social commitment, GP also faces some major issues that affect its customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. Some of the common complaints that customers have are:

  • Poor network quality, slow internet, and coverage, especially in rural areas.
  • High and inconsistent tariffs and charges, compared to other operators.
  • Delayed and inadequate customer service and support.
  • Unwanted and unsolicited promotional calls and messages.
  • Billing errors, GPAY wallets, and, payment disputes.
  • Fraudulent and illegal activities, such as SIM cloning, identity theft, and cybercrime.

To address these issues, Grameenphone Ltd. has established a customer complaint management system that allows customers to register their complaints through customer service channels and levels of escalation. The following are the levels that you can follow to lodge and resolve your complaints with Grameenphone Ltd.

Level 1: Customer Service, Grameenphone

As per the service policy of Grameenphone, you can contact the customer service centre through phone, email, chat, or online form. The customer service representative will try to resolve the issue within 72 hours. If you are not satisfied with the resolution, you can request to escalate the complaint to the next level.

Contact GP customer service through any of the following methods:

  • GP Complaint Number: Dial 121 for product and service-related queries, or 158 for complaints, from your GP number. The charge is Tk 0.50 per minute.
  • Email: Send an email to with your query or complaint.
  • Business Support: Email to
  • Online Complaint: Chat with a live agent through the customer service portal or file a complaint online to Grameenphone support.
  • Customer Service Number: Call 01711594594 from any other operator number, or 01700100121 from abroad (in case of roaming), to reach Grameenphone’s customer service hotline.

For any complaint regarding mobicash service or Nirvoy insurance, call the hotline at 21200.

Level 2: Customer Service Manager, GP

Contact the customer service manager as the next senior customer care officer in the Grameenphone. If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by the customer service agent, you can escalate your complaint to the supervisor or manager of the customer service team.

You can request the support team to speak to the supervisor or manager while you are on the call. Additionally, you can call back and ask for the escalation or visit the nearest local GP store for help.

You can also email your complaint reference number and details of the unresolved complaints regarding network issues or other internet problems.  The manager will review the complaint and try to resolve it within 3 working days or as defined by the GP telecom operator.

Level 3: Customer Service Director, GP

The customer service director is the head of the customer service department of Grameenphone Ltd. If you are still not satisfied with the resolution provided by the supervisor or manager, escalate your complaint to the head of customer service. In your complaint letter, include your complaint reference number and grievance details, and send it by email. You can also send a written letter to the following address of the Head Office:

Designation Service Director, Grameenphone
Phone Number +8802222282990, +8801799882990
Fax +88028416026
Address Head of Customer Service Grameenphone Ltd. GP House, Bashundhara, Baridhara Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh.

The Director or appointed Nodal Officer will investigate the complaint and try to resolve it within 15 working days. Further, you can request to escalate the complaint to the regulatory authority.

Additionally, you can also file a consumer complaint to the consumer protection authority for the violation of consumer rights by GP.

Level 4: Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)

If you are still not satisfied with the final response of Grameenphone Limited or the disputed matter is not resolved within 15 working days or a specified timeframe, file a complaint against GP to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

BTRC is the regulatory authority for the telecom sector in Bangladesh, and it has the power to investigate and resolve customer complaints against telecom operators.

The BTRC will examine the complaint and take appropriate action against Grameenphone Ltd. if it finds any violation of the telecom laws and regulations. The BTRC will also inform the customer about the outcome of the complaint within 30 working days.

You can file your complaint to BTRC through any of the following methods:

  • Visit the BTRC website and fill out the online complaint form
  • Send an email to with your complaint details and supporting documents.
  • Call the hotline 100 for consumer complaints.
  • Write a letter to the following address:
    • Address: Director (Consumer Affairs), Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Plot#E-5/A, Agargaon Administrative Area, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
    • Phone Number: +880255667766
    • Fax: +8802222217167

Level 5:  Appellate Tribunal

If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by BTRC for the disputes related to GP, or if you do not receive a response within 30 working days, you can appeal to the Appellate Tribunal. The Appellate Tribunal is a judicial body that hears and decides appeals against the decisions of BTRC. You can file your appeal to the Appellate Tribunal by applying along with a fee of Tk 1000 or as specified by the tribunal.

The Appellate Tribunal will review the complaint and the BTRC’s decision and issue a final verdict within 60 working days. The Appellate Tribunal’s decision is binding on both the customer and Grameenphone Ltd.

You should cooperate with Grameenphone Ltd. and provide accurate and complete information about the issues for faster resolution and keep a record of their communication and correspondence with GP and the regulators. This will help to expedite the complaint resolution process and ensure a fair and satisfactory outcome for both parties.


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