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Robi Axiata Limited: Customer Service to Register a Complaint with Robi


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Robi Axiata Limited is a public limited company in Bangladesh, where Axiata Group, Bharti Airtel and the general public hold the shares. It is the second largest mobile network operator after the Grameenphone Ltd in Bangladesh with 56.4Mn subscribers, 30% market share and 76.5% data users.

Robi provides a wide range of products and services, such as voice, data, mobile financial services, digital services, enterprise solutions, and international roaming. The company has introduced many first-of-its-kind digital services in the country and has been the pioneer in paving the way for taking mobile financial services to underserved communities in rural and semi-urban areas.

Robi is committed to providing the best customer service and support to its subscribers. However, there may be instances where customers may face some issues or problems with their services or products.

The common issues include:

  • Network Coverage Gaps: Might experience inconsistencies in network coverage, low internet. or signal strength, leading to call drops and internet connectivity issues.
  • Unexpected Charges or Billing Errors: Billing discrepancies such as unexpected charges, incorrect deductions, or unclear packages.
  • Internet Speed: Variations in internet speed, especially during peak hours or in certain locations, can hamper a browsing or streaming experience.
  • Customer Service Responsiveness: Delays in reaching customer service representatives or slow resolution times, especially for complex issues.

In such cases, Robi has a customer complaint management system that allows customers to register their complaints and get them resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner.

How to register complaints to Robi Axiata Limited?

Robi provides multiple channels that you can use to register the complaints about internet, telecom, financial/wallet, and communication services of Robi. You can complain through:

  • E-Mail: Send an email to with their name, mobile number, and details of the complaint.
  • WhatsApp: Messaghe on +8801886664121
  • Door Step Service: Dial 12110*5# from your Robi number or email to and request a doorstep service, where a Robi representative will visit your location and address the complaint.
  • Robi Complaint Number: Call hotline 158 from the Robi number (free of charge IVR-based service), 01819400400 from another number, or customer care number +8801819232477 for roaming (international) and follow the instructions to raise your concerns.
  • Customer Service Number: Dial 121 from the Robi number (charge applicable) or 01678600786 from other numbers and talk to a customer care executive at the call centre.
  • Robi Sheba: You may visit any of the Robi Sheba centres across the country and register your complaint with the help of the staff.
  • My Robi App: Download the My Robi App for support.
  • Complain online to Robi: File a complaint

What are the levels of escalation for Robi complaints?

Robi follows a three-level escalation process for complaints, where you can escalate their complaints to the higher authority if you are not satisfied with the resolution or response from the previous level.

  • Level 1: The first level of escalation is the channel where the customer registered the complaint, such as email, helpline, call centre, Robi Sheba, etc. You can contact the same channel as provided above and ask for the status or resolution of your complaint. The representatives will try to resolve the complaint within 24 hours.
  • Level 2: The second level of escalation is the Customer Experience Manager (CEM) of Robi. You can escalate the disputed matter to the CEM by sending an email to with the name, mobile number, complaint reference number, and details of the complaint. The CEM will try to resolve the complaint within 48 hours or a specified timeframe. Additionally, you can also write to the Corporate Officer at the official address:
    • Robi Axiata Limited, The Forum, 187, 188/B Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, Tejgaon Dhaka-1208.
  • Level 3: The third level of escalation is the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the regulatory authority for the telecom sector in Bangladesh. You can appeal by filing a complaint to the BTRC by emailing or calling at 100 (call center) with the complaint reference number, and details of the complaint.

Authorities to appeal against Robi Axiata Limited

If the customer is still not satisfied with the resolution or response from the BTRC, they can appeal to the higher regulatory and appellate authorities, such as:

  • The Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, is the ministry responsible for the telecom sector in Bangladesh. You can send an email to or complain about the official website of the ministry.
  • The Consumer Rights Protection Directorate, the directorate responsible for protecting the rights and interests of the consumers in Bangladesh.
  • The Consumer Court is the court responsible for adjudicating the disputes and complaints related to consumers in Bangladesh. You can file a case against Robi Axiata Limited in the Consumer Court with the complaint reference number, billing details of payment disputes, supporting documents, and details of the complaint.

If any customer is facing issues or problems with the services or products of Robi, don’t hesitate to register the complaints and get them resolved through the customer complaint management system of Robi. Further, prefer to escalate the unresolved complaints to the higher authorities and appeal to the regulatory authorities.

Robi values the feedback and suggestions of its customers, so don’t forget to share it for services and products based on the needs and expectations.


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