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Unjustified billing raised towards usage of Mobile Internet on International Roaming


Being a postpaid customer for 15 yrs, despite not using data connection while on international roaming and ensuring that all mobile setting are in place, I am consistently being invoiced data connection usage for last 4 months. Though the amount is reversed when compliant raised, but no one is fixing the root cause. A common sense when applied, one will notice that only 1/2 pulse is recorded every day in bill @ Rs 6.5/pulse. How can as a customer if I use a data connection & will consistently stop it immediately after 1/2 pulse that too for last 4 months. Rather I will be using more and must vary every day. To me this is more a system generated pulse recorded without being utilized at customer end. Customer is being targeted for this unjustified billing. Be careful on such postpaid invoice being generated.

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