Consumer disputes are the most common issue for which, no efficient mechanism yet exists. But, governments of various countries try to protect the rights of consumers by enforcing rules & laws as consumer rights. By these laws, Almost every country has constituted national consumer authority.
Some nations provide a regulatory body to take individual cases. But, in many countries, these national consumer authorities have fewer powers to take action on any individual consumer cases. So, the question arises, What can they do?
- These consumer authorities focus on law enforcement actions to protect the public interest at large but do not interfere with the cases of individual consumers.
- If you have complaints about goods & products or services of any company, this can be raised to the authorities informally.
You may also take legal action by filing a formal complaint with the consumer commission or court of your country. The consumer protection authorities help to provide the necessary information so, every consumer can approach the legal authorities to take action against violation of consumer rights.
Consumer disputes can be of two types:
- National dispute
- Cross-border (International) disputes
If you have purchased products, goods, or services in any country or your own, you should file a complaint with the concerned National Consumer Authority. This type of issue comes under the category of national disputes (domestic).
Cross-border disputes involve purchasing any service or products of any foreign company or buying from another country. This can happen while traveling, online shopping, and buying products in foreign countries.
Let us know each and every National Consumer Authorities of different countries to submit a consumer dispute and get what you deserve.
How to Resolve Consumer Disputes?
Consumers are protected by the laws that prevent unfair business practices, frauds, misleading competitions, or violation of consumer rights by unfair practices in the marketplace. So, if you are a buyer of goods and services and facing such issues, may file a complaint to your concerned National Consumer Authority to resolve the dispute at the national level.
Rights of Consumer
Basic Consumer Rights are:
- The right to:
- Satisfaction of basic needs
- Be informed
- Consumer education
- Be heard
- Redress
- Safety
- A healthy environment
Consumer authorities also provide protection for the general public from any product (including the process of production) that directly affects the public even if they are not consumers of the product or purchaser. This may include public health, environmental protection, or safety as an issue, such as automobiles, food, and electric products.
Consumer Protection
Government (consumer authorities) and some self-regulating NGOs (Non-government) or business organizations help to protect consumer rights, pursue complaints against businesses (sellers), and make better choices in the market.
Examples of some government organizations to promote consumer protection are:
- National Consumer Disputes Resolution Commission (NCDRC), India
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), United States
- European Consumer Centres Network – ECC Net, European Union
- National Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution, China (PRC)
- Competition & Market Authority (CMA), United Kingdom (England)
Many self-regulating businesses and non-government organizations also advocate and help for the enforcement of consumer protection laws by consumer protection agencies (authorities) and watchdog groups. Examples of such organizations are:
- Better Business Bureaus (BBB) in the US, Canada, England, etc.
- National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)
- European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)
- Consumer Federation of America (CFA)
Disputes Covered
Consumers can approach the enforcement authorities for the violation of consumer rights which cover a wide range of categories of services & goods. Basically, general consumer disputes include, (but are not limited to):
- Liabilities of products
- Unfair business practices
- Scam, fraud, and misrepresentation
- Privacy Rights
- Pricing, utility billings, and charges
- Quality of product or service (as guaranteed by the company)
- Financial services & products (loans, insurance, etc.)
- Products & services of e-commerce businesses like Amazon, Walmart, Flipkart, Alibaba, etc.
- Other consumer/business transactions
This list of covered consumer disputes may vary country by country based on the enforced laws & rules of the nation. The details of consumer authority to protect rights and business conduct are mentioned below. Approach these protection agencies and regulatory bodies to file your complaint and resolve disputes within your nation.
National Consumer Authority: File a complaint
Each country has its own government organization or consumer authority to protect consumer rights and enforce the laws legislated or ordered by the government. You can file a complaint about the violation of consumer rights or may submit a consumer dispute (dissatisfied or unresolved cases with the company).

The consumer disputes can be:
- National dispute (within your country)
- Cross-border dispute (Outside the jurisdiction of your nation)
Instructions to file a successful consumer complaint:
- First, try to resolve the dispute with the concerned company
- If not resolved, submit a notice of dispute
- Finally, approach the consumer protection agency.
The mode of communication can be the consumer hotline (helpline number), e-mail, or online e-filing by web portal or chat services of the authority. You may also visit the nearest regional office or bureau.
Note – Always provide true and factual information with relevant documents, images, or billing proof of purchased goods and services.
1. Resolve the national disputes
If you have purchased products, goods, or services within your country and do not include the disputed cross-border elements, take this dispute before your national consumer authority. Not all authorities have legal and regulatory powers to investigate and resolve individual consumer complaints (cases).
So, you may seek legal help or follow the consumer protection law of your nation and file a case in the appropriate judicial or regulatory authority with some required evidence of purchase.
Want to resolve disputes?
Have you purchased a good or service from a company based in your own country? Yes! Follow the steps and use the details of the national consumer authority.
- First, contact the company to resolve the issue
- Not resolved? Approach your national consumer authority (Consumer Protection Agency)
Official details of consumer protection agencies to file a complaint:
Country: | National Consumer Authority |
Angola | National Institute for Consumer Defense (INADEC ): Phone No: Talk to officials Web (Online): File your complaint ( Contact: ENDE Customer Ombudsman |
Australia | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC): Phone No: 1300302502, 1300303143 Overseas Caller: +61262431305 Web (Online): Report a consumer issue |
Austria | Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection: Phone No: 0800201611, +431711000 E-mail:, Fax: +43171894703153 Web (Online): Register your complaint Address: Ministry of Social Affairs / Citizens’ Service, 1 Stubenring, 1010 Vienna. |
Azerbaijan | State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Supervision, Council of the Ministry of Economy, Azerbaijan: Phone No: 195-1, +99412310800, Regional branch E-mail:, Web (Online): File your complaint Address: Azərbaycan Respublikasının İqtisadiyyat Nazirliyi, Heydər Əliyev prospekti, 155 , Baku, Azerbaijan. |
Barbados | Fair Trading Commission (FTC), Barbados: Phone No: 4212382 (hotline), 12464240260 Fax: 12464240300 Web (Online): Register your complaint ( Address: Fair Trading Commission, Barbados, Good Hope, Green Hill, St. Michael, BB12003, Barbados. |
Belgium | European Consumer Centre Belgium (ECC Belgique) & Joint Public Venture: Phone: 080012033 (toll-free) Web (Online): File your complaint Address: FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy, Contact Center, Rue du Progrès, 50, 1210 Brussels. |
Botswana | Competition and Consumer Authority, Botswana: Phone No: +2673934278 E-mail:, Fax: +2673121013 Web (Online): Register your complaint Address: Competition and Consumer Authority, Plot 28, Matsitama Road, Main Mall, Gaborone, Private Bag 00101, Gaborone, Botswana. |
Brazil | National Consumer Secretariat, Brazil: Web (Online): File a complaint, Report abusive telemarketing Visit: Know |
Bulgaria | European Consumer Centre in Bulgaria (ECC, Bulgaria): Phone No: +35929867672 E-mail: Web (Online): Register your complaint Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP), Bulgaria: Phone No: 070011122 E-mail: Web (Online): Lodge your complaint Address: 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, 4А Slaveykov Sq., fl. 3, 4, and 6. |
Canada | Competition Bureau Canada: Phone: 18003485358 (toll-free), 8199974282 Web (Online): Register your complaint Visit: Contact the information center Address: Competition Bureau, Place du Portage I, 50 Victoria Street, Room C-114, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0C9. |
Chile | National Consumer Service (SERNAC), Chile: Phone No: 800700100 Web (Online): Register your complaint Contact: Regional Office (SERNAC) Address: National Consumer Service, Central Offices: Agustinas 1336, 1st floor, Teatinos 50, Santiago. |
China | National Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution: Phone: 12315 (toll-free), 01088650000 (SAMR) E-mail: Web (Online): File a complaint ( Address: State Administration for Market Regulation, PRC, No. 8, Sanlihe East Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, Postcode – 100820. |
Colombia | Consumer Protection (SIC), Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism, Colombia: Phone No: 018000910165 (hotline), +576015870000 (Bogota), +576015920400 E-mail: Web (Online): Register your complaint Contact: Regional Office (SIC) Address: Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, Carrera 13 No. 27 – 00, Floors 1 and 3. |
Costa Rica | Consumer Support Directorate, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (MEIC), Costa Rica. WhatsApp:+50687828405, +50683857131 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Address: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade, 400 m East of La Nación Newspaper, Office ASEBANACIO, Llorente de Tibás, San Jose – Costa Rica. Central: 2549-1400 P.O. Box 10.216-1000. |
Cyprus | Consumer Protection Service (CCPS), Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry, Cyprus: Phone No: 1429 (helpline) Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (CCPS) Address: Ministry of Energy, Trade, and Industry, Agapinoros 2, Megaro IRIS, 1076, 1421 – Nicosia |
Czech Republic | Czech Trade Inspection Authority (COI), Czech Republic: E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint European Consumer Center (ECC), Czech Republic: Phone No: +420222703404 E-mail: Web (online): Register your complaint Address: Czech Trade Inspection Authority – at Štěpánská 44, 110 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic. |
Denmark | Consumer Ombudsman, Denmark: Phone No: 41715151 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Consumer Ombudsman Address: The Consumer Ombudsman, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby. |
Dominican Republic | National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor), Dominican Republic: Phone No: 8095678555, 18092008555 WhatsApp: +18095678555 E-mail: Web (online): Register your complaint Address: National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor), Av. Charles Summer #33, Los Prados, Santo Domingo, RD. |
Egypt | Consumer Protection Agency (CPA), Egypt: Phone: 19588 (toll-free hotline), 35380381, 35380380 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Fax: 35380384 Address: Headquarters, Consumer Protection Agency, 96 Ahmed Orabi Street – Al Mohandseen – Giza. OR Complaint Department, Km 28 Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road – Smart Village – Abu Rawash – Cairo. |
El Salvador | Consumer Ombudsman, National Consumer Protection System (SNPC), El Salvador: Phone No: 910, 25269000 WhatsApp: +50378441482 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (SNPC) Address: Consumer Ombudsman, Administrative office: Calle, Circunvalacion #20, Plan de La, Laguna, Antiguo Custatlan, El Salvador, Central America. |
Estonia | European Consumer Center (ECC), Estonia: E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint (ECC-Net) Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, Estonia: Phone No: +3726201707 (hotline), +3726672000 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Address: TTJA, Endla 10A, 10122 Tallinn, Republic of Estonia. |
Eswatini | Consumer Protection Department, Swaziland Competition Commission, Eswatini: Phone No: +26824040111, +26824040421 E-mail: Fax: +26824040342 Web (online): Register your complaint Address: Eswatini Competition Commission P.O. Box 1976, MBABANE Eswatini, H100 |
Fiji | Fijian Competition & Consumer Commission, Fiji: Phone No: +6798921991 E-mail: Web (online): Register your complaint Contact: Regional Office (FCCC) Address: Ground Floor, Employers Hub Building, 42 Gorrie Street, Suva, Fiji. Postal Address. P. O. Box 5031, Raiwaqa, Suva, Fiji. |
Finland | European Consumer Center (ECC), Finland: Phone No: +358295053090 Web (online): Register your complaint Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA), Finland: Phone No: 0295053050, +358295053000 Web (online): File your complaint (FCCA) Contact: Consumer advice services Address: KKV, POB 5, 00531 Helsinki, Finland. Visiting address: Lintulahenkuja 2, 00530 Helsinki, Finland. |
France | Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF), France ( Phone: 0809540550 (toll-free) Web: Report a consumer issue (Singal Conso) Visit: Contact the DGCCRF (complaints) Address: Write to DGCCRF-RéponseConso – BP60 – 34935 Montpellier Cedex 9. European Consumer Center (ECC), France: Web (online): File your complaint |
Gambia | Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (GCCPC), Gambia: Phone No: +2204466793 E-mail: Web (online): Regsiter your complaint Download: GCCPC consumer complaint form Address: Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, 36 Kotu East KMC, KSMD, (off Bertil Harding highway) P O BOX 3299, Serekunda. |
Germany | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband – vzbv (Federation of German Consumer Organisations): Phone: +4930258000 Fax: +493025800518 E-mail:, Web (online): Consumer protection online (VZBV) Address: Berlin – Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V., Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 17, 10969 Berlin. OR Address: Brussels – Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V., Rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Brussels. |
Greece | Trade & Consumer Protection, Ministry of Development & Investments (MDI), Greece: Phone No: +302103332000, 2103332000 (helpline) Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (MDI) Address: Consumer Protection, Ministry of Development & Investments, Nikis 5-7, Athens, 10180. |
Hungary | Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal, GVH), Hungary: Phone No: 1818 (helpline), 0614728851, +3614728851 E-mail:, Web (online): Register your complaint Contact: Departments of GVH Address: Postal – Pf.: 958 Budapest H-1534. Office: 1-3 Riadó street, Budapest, H-1026. European Consumer Center (ECC), Hungary: Phone No: +3618967747 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint |
India | National Consumer Helpline (NCH), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, India: Phone: 1800114000, 1915, 14404 WhatsApp: +91800001915 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint (NCH) Contact: Report your concerns to departments |
Ireland | Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), Ireland: Phone No: +35314025555, 14025555 (helpline), 0860125900 (SLI), +35314025500 (anti-competition) E-mail:, (consumer), (competition) Web (online): File your consumer complaint, Make a competition complaint Address: Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, Bloom House, Railway Street, Dublin 1, D01 C576. |
Israel | Consumer Protection And Fair Trade Authority (CPFTA), Israel: Phone No: 1299, 0733717777 Fax: 0733717790 Web (online): File your complaint Address: Consumer Protection And Fair Trade Authority, 5 Nahum Haftzadi Street, Jerusalem 9548401. |
Italy | Competition and Market Guarantor Authority (AGCM), Italy: Phone: 800166661 (toll-free), +3906858211 E-mail: Fax: +390685821256 Web (online): File complaint online (segnala) Address: Write to Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM), Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 6/A – 00198 Roma. |
Japan | Consumer Affairs Agency, Govt. of Japan: Phone: 188 (hotline), 0334461623, 0335078800 Visit: National consumer affairs centers Web: Online consultation services in Japan Consumer Hotline for Tourists, Japan: Phone: 0354490906 Web: File a complaint online |
Kenya | Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK), Kenya: Phone No: +254202628233, +254202779000, +254202779144 (whistleblowing) E-mail:, (whistleblowing) Web (online): File your complaint Address: Consumer Protection Department, Kenya Railways Staff Retirement, Benefit Scheme Block ‘D’, 1st Floor, Haile Selassie Avenue. Postal: Competition Authority of Kenya, P.O. Box 36265-00200, Nairobi, Kenya |
Kosovo | Department Office for Consumer Protection, Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade, Kosovo: Phone No: 080011000 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Get legal advice |
Latvia | Consumer Rights Protection Centre, Republic of Latvia: Phone No: +37165452554, +37167282865, 65452554 (Consultation) E-mail: Web (online): Register your complaint Address: Consumer Rights Protection Centre, Brīvības Street 55, Rīga, LV-1010. |
Lithuania | State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania: Phone No: +37052626751, 852626760 (Consultation), 852055403 E-mail:, Fax: 82791466 Web (online): File your complaint Contact: SCRPA Bureau & Departments Address: Vilniaus str. 25, Vilnius LT-01402, Lithuania. |
Luxembourg | Ministry of Consumer Protection, Luxembourg: Phone No: +35224773700 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Address: Ministry of Consumer Protection, 271, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg. Postal: BP 119, L-2011 Luxembourg. |
Malawi | The Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC), Malawi: Phone No: 2489 (toll-free),+2651774838, 0310001440, 0310001441 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Download: Consumer complaint form, CFTC.pdf Address: The Executive Director, Competition and Fair Trading Commission, Off Presidential Drive, New Golden Peacock Complex,6th Floor, P/Bag 332, Lilongwe. |
Malta | Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), Malta: Phone No: +35623952000, +35680074400 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Office for Consumer Affairs Address: Office for Consumer Affairs at Mizzi House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda Postal: Director, Complaints and Conciliation Directorate, Malta Competition, and Consumer Affairs Authority, Mizzi House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda, HMR 9010. |
Mexico | Federal Agency of Consumer Affairs (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, PROFECO): Phone: 0115255-52111723 E-mail: Fax: 0115255-56256621 Web (online): Register your complaint (PROFECO) Address: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, Dirección General de Quejas y Conciliación , Av. José Vasconcelos No. 208, 6º piso,, Col. Condesa, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, México, D.F. C.P. – 06140. |
Mongolia | Public Services, Government of Mongolia: Phone No: 1111 (toll-free) E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Address: Sh/x-785, Tov shuudan, Sukhbaataryn talbay 1, Chingeltey düureg, UB 15160-0026. |
Morocco | Consumer Protection Association, Ministry of Industry and Trade (MCI), Kingdom of Morocco: Phone No: 0537715159, 0537669648, 0802002050 (Food), 0801003637 (ONSSA) E-mail:, (Food) Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Consumer advice desk (MCI) Address: Consumer Protection, Market Surveillance and Quality Department, Parcel 14, Business center, North wing bd Riad, Hay Riad. |
Netherlands | Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (AGM): Phone: 0880707070, +31707222000 Fax: +31707222355 Web (online): Report consumer issues online Contact: Consumer education ( Address: PO Box 16326, 2500 BH The Hague, The Netherlands. |
New Zealand | Commerce Commission (Consumer Protection), New Zealand: Phone No: 0800943600 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Consumer protection price watch form Address: Level 9, 44 The Terrace, Wellington 6011. Postal: PO Box 2351, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. |
Nigeria | Federal Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), Nigeria: Phone No: 08056002020, 08056003030 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: FCCPC Regional Office Address: FCCPC HQ, 23 Jimmy Carter Street, Asokoro, Abuja. |
Norway | Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority (NCPA), Norway: Phone No: 23400500, +4723400600 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Consumer Authority (forbrukerradet) Address: The Consumer Authority, PO Box 2862 Kjørbekk, 3702 Skien. Postal: 463 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo. |
Panama | Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), Panama: Phone No: 63303333 WhatsApp: +50763303333 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (ACODECO) Address: Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition, Vía Fernández de Córdoba, Plaza Córdoba, PA, Calle 66 Oeste, Entrada C, Republic of Panama. |
Papua New Guinea | Independent Consumer & Competition Commission (ICCC), Papua New Guinea: Phone No: 1803333, 6753124600 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (ICCC) Address: Head Office (Southern Regional Office), Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea, 2nd Floor Post Office Building Nita Street P.O Box 6394. |
Peru | National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI), Peru: Phone No: 2247777 (helpline), 080044040 E-mail:,, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: INDECOPI Departments Address: HQ, Sub-directorate of Attention to the Citizen SBC San Borja: Calle De La Prosa 104 Lima – Lima – San Borja – 15034, Peru. |
Philippines | Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB), Department of Trade & Industry (DTI), Phillippines: Phone No: 1384 (1-DTI), 09178343330, 63277510384, 6327791100 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (DTI) Address: The Director, DTI Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB), UPRC Building 315 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., 1200 Makati City, Philippines. |
Poland | Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Poland: Phone: +48225560600, +48225560800, 801440220, 222667676 E-mail:, Web (online): Submit your complaint ( Contact: Help for consumers Address: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-950 Warszawa. |
Portugal | Director General for Consumers (DGC, Consumidor), Portugal: Phone No: +351213564650, 213564600 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Consumer Municipal Information Centres Address: DGC, Consumidor, Praca Duque de Saldanha, n 31-1069-013. |
Republic of Korea | Korea Consumer Agency, Korea: Phone No: 1372 (Helpline), +82438805400 (Freigners), 0438805500 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (KCA Address: (27738) Korea Consumer Agency, Chungbuk Innovation City, 54 Yongdu-ro, Maengdong-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. OR Consumer Consultation Center, Fair Trade Commission, 95 Dasom 3-ro, Sejong City. Cross Border Transaction Consumer Portal (KCA), Korea: Phone No: +82438805653, +82438805655 (International Affairs) E-mail: Web (online): Register your complaint |
Saudi Arabia | Consumer Protection Agency (SAMA), Saudi Arabia: Phone: 8001256666 Fax: +966114662746 Web (online): File your complaint (SAMA) Address: Write to Saudi Central Bank, Consumer Protection Department, Al-Ma’ather Street, and P.O. Box 2992, Riyadh 11169, Saudi Arabia. OR SAMA Head Office, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz Street, Riyadh. |
Seychelles | Fair Trade Commission (FTC), Seychelles: Phone No: 4325250 (HQ), 4233109 (Praslin) E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Download: Consumer complaint form (FTC) Contact: Lodge competition complaint Address: Fair Trade Commission, Unity House, Block B, Third Floor Victoria. |
Singapore | Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS): Phone: 18003258282 (hotline), +6563258282 (overseas) E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint (CCCS) Contact: CCCS Departments Address: Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore, 45 Maxwell Road, #09-01, The URA Centre, Singapore 069118. |
Slovak Republic | Slovak Trade Inspector (STI), Republic Slovak: Phone No: 0850111937 (helpline), +421258272160, +421258272159, +421258272123 (ADR) E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Slovak Trade Inspection (STI) Address: Central Inspectorate, Slovak Trade Inspection, P.O. Box 29, Bajkalská 21/A, 827 99 Bratislava 27, Slovakia. |
South Africa | The National Consumer Commission (NCC), South Africa (SA): Phone No: 0124287000 (hotline) E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Download: Consumer complaint form (NCC).pdf Contact: Regional Office (NCC) Address: Building C – South African Bureau of Standards Campus ( SABS), 01 Dr. Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Pretoria. |
Spain | Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Spain: Phone: +34915961000, +34918224555 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Report: Europian Consumer Center, Spain (ECC-Net) Address: Central office, Ministerio de Consumo, Paseo del Prado, 18-20. 28071 – Madrid. OR Address: Calle Príncipe de Vergara 54, 28006. Madrid. Phone: |
Sri Lanka | Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA), Sri Lanka: Phone No: 1977 (hotline), 011775548123 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Officers of the Consumer Affairs Council Address: Director General, Consumer Affairs Authority, No 27, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02. |
Suriname | Consumer Protection Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation, Suriname: Phone No: 402080 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: e-Services (Republic Suriname) Address: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation, Havenlaan #1, Suriname. |
Sweden | Swedish Consumer Agency, Sweden ( Phone: 0771525525 (Halla Konsument), 0771423300 E-mail:, Fax: +46(0)54-194195 Web (online): File your complaint ( Address: Konsumentverket/KO, Box 48, 651 02 Karlstad. |
Switzerland | Federal Consumer Affairs Bureau (FCAB, Switzerland: Phone No: +41584622000 (hotline), 0313805034, +41584622021 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Swiss Consumer Forum (SCF) Address: Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs (BFK), Bundeshaus Ost, 3003 Bern. |
Türkiye | Consumer Protection Agency Turkey (e-Government): Phone: 160, +90160 (e-government) E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) | Dubai Consumer Authority, Economy & Tourism Dubai, UAE: Phone: +971600545555, +97144455555 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Address: Deira, Business Village Block A – Near to Clock Tower Round. |
United Kingdom (UK) | Competition & Market Authority (CMA), UK: Phone: 02037386000 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint (CMA) Address: General inquiries, Competition and Markets Authority, The Cabot, 25 Cabot Square, London, E14 4QZ, United Kingdom. |
United States of America (USA) | Federal Trade Commission (FTC), US: Phone: +18773824357 Web (online): File a consumer complaint Contact: Report international scams (FTC) Address: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20580. |
Vietnam | Vietnam Competition and Consumer Authority, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam: Phone No: 18006838, +842422205002 E-mail:, Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (VCCA) Address: Vietnam Competition and Consumer Authority, No. 25, Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. |
Zambia | Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry, Zambia: Phone No: 5678 (helpline), +260211232657, +260211222787 WhatsApp: +260975873988 E-mail: Web (online): File your complaint Contact: Regional Office (CCPC) Address: Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), 4th Floor Main Post Office Building P.O Box 34919 Lusaka. |
Have you submitted the complaint? Note down the reference/acknowledgment details to track the status and use it for future reference or know the case status.
Not satisfied with the final order? Take the help of a legal expert. Further, you may approach the judicial bodies or apex courts of your country.
2. Resolve cross-border disputes
Have you bought products from outside of your country? Yes! If you have a dispute related to products, services, or online transactions with a foreign company, first try to resolve the problem with the concerned company.
Not resolved or dissatisfied? Each country has its own consumer protection laws so this may vary within different jurisdictions. So, you will have to follow the rules & laws of the country to resolve any cross-border disputes.
Ways to resolve cross-border disputes:
- Complain with the national consumer authority of the country of the registered business/company.
- Approach to trade protection authority/commission of your country (if imported from another country)
Details to approach the consumer protection agency:
- First, try to resolve the issue with the company
- Not resolved or dissatisfied? Approach the local national consumer authority.
- Select Country:
Yet not resolved or dissatisfied with the final order? Get the help of a legal expert (if the case is very critical and involves heavy monetary loss) to take legal action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where can I register a complaint about the violation of consumer rights?
A. You may file a complaint with the national consumer authority of your country. The authority will help you to resolve the disputes with the seller or company.
Q. What should I do if my disputes are not resolved by consumer protection authorities?
A. This may happen due nature of individual cases. Some consumer protection agencies are not empowered to take action against individual consumer cases. In this case, get the help of the authority and know the right regulatory or judicial authority to resolve your disputes.