The Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) is the state-owned public limited electricity distribution company in Assam. It supplies electricity to the people of Assam, with operating the electricity distribution system, uninterrupted, reliable, affordable, safe, and quality power.
APDCL has divided its electricity distribution operation into three regions, each with its respective divisions:
- Lower Assam Region (LAR): Guwahati, Rangia, and Bongaigaon Zones
- Central Assam Region (CAR): Nagaon, Tezpur, and Silchar Zones
- Upper Assam Region (UAR): Jorhat Zones
Have complaints about the power supply services of APDCL? You can file a complaint to the electricity board through the toll-free customer care number, email, WhatsApp, and online complaint registration web form.
Please note: For the violation of consumer rights by APDCL, you can also lodge a consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), a national consumer protection authority of the Department of Consumer Affairs or Consumer Commission (NCDRC).

Level 1: File a Complaint to APDCL Electricity Board
At level 1, you can initially file your complaints about electricity services to the APDCL electricity board through these available channels:
- APDCL Complaint Number:1912, +912235296117
- Customer Care Number: +912269132900
- WhatsApp Number: +917575999666
- Email:
- Complain online to APDCL: file a complaint
- Complaint Form: Download
- Offices: APDCL Contact Details
When lodging your electricity-related complaints, please provide the following details:
- Electricity Connection Number
- Nature of the Complaint
- Location of Incident (if applicable)
- Detailed description and supporting evidence (if necessary), such as copies of bills for billing disputes, photos of incidents, or other relevant documents.
To pay your outstanding bills or access online services, visit the online consumer portal of the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL).
For contact details of your zonal, divisional, and sub-divisional officers, including sub-divisions, visit the official’s contact page.
If your submitted complaints are not resolved within the resolution period, escalate the issue to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) at the nearest divisional office. For this, download the grievance form.
Note: If still unresolved, you can escalate your grievances to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) at the zonal offices.
Level 2: Lodge a Grievance to CGRF Forum, APDCL
If your previously lodged complaints are not resolved by customer care, sub-divisional offices, or the internal grievance redressal cell of APDCL within 30 days, escalate the concerns by lodging a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited at your zonal/circle offices.
Please note that the grievance must be escalated to the forum within 30 days of the final response or expiry of the resolution period.
Required details and process for lodging a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum:
Required Details:
- Consumer Details (Name, Address, and contact number)
- Consumer number.
- Brief description of the grievance.
- Type of problem (e.g., Interruption, Voltage, Meter, Bill, etc.).
- Register the complaint at Level 1 (e.g., Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer).
- If unresolved, lodge the complaint at IGR Cell (e.g., Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer).
- Finally, write a grievance letter or fill out the form for CGRF Forum:
- Attach as supporting evidence Form 1 for Level 1 and Form 2 for IGR Cell (provided in Level 1), if lodged previously.
- Provide reference/ticket ID of previously unresolved complaints
- Attach copies of communication with the Level 1 and IGR Cell office, if available.
Timeline: Please remember that your complaints should be registered within 2 hours of receipt. The resolution timeline varies depending on the type of grievance, ranging from 4 hours for fuse-off calls in cities to 120 days for system augmentation cases.
You can submit the grievance form to your nearest circle/zonal office or send it by post.
Contact Details
These are the official contact details of the CGRF Forums at circle offices in Assam where you can lodge your grievance to escalate the matter with the CGRF Forum of the Board.
CGRF Forum, APDCL Zone | |
Bongaigaon |, |
Dibrugarh |, |
Guwahati |, |
Jorhat |, |
Nagaon |, |
Rangia |, |
Silchar |, |
Tezpur |, |
Please note: If your grievances are still not resolved within 30 working days, you may file an appeal against APDCL to the Electricity Ombudsman of Assam.
Level 3: Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, Assam
As per state regulations and the Electricity Act of 2003, the Electricity Ombudsman is a quasi-judicial body of Assam. This independent body handles disputes between consumers and electricity licensees.
If you’re unsatisfied with a decision from the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of APDCL or if your complaint hasn’t been resolved within 30 days, you can take your case to the Electricity Ombudsman (EO).
Within 30 days of receiving the final decision from the CGRF Forum, file your representation before the Electricity Ombudsman:
Note: No fee is applicable. Also, do not require any advocate.
Finally, if not satisfied with the decision of the Ombudsman, you can escalate your appeal to the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC) or even to the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), if applicable.
Want to challenge the decision of the Electricity Ombudsman? You may take legal action by approaching the appropriate judicial authority, such as the High Court of Assam.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I file a complaint with APDCL regarding power supply services?
You can contact APDCL through their toll-free number 1912, and additional customer care numbers +912235296117, and +912269132900. You can also use WhatsApp at +917575999666, email them at, or file a complaint online. - What types of complaints can I report to APDCL?
Complaints can include excessive bill amounts, non-redressal of electricity failures, transformer issues, electric power supply problems, online payment errors, and illegal connections. - What should I include when filing a complaint to APDCL?
Include your Electricity Connection Number, the nature of the complaint, the location of the incident (if applicable), and a detailed description along with supporting evidence such as copies of bills or photos of incidents. - What steps should I take if my complaint to APDCL remains unresolved?
Initially, file your complaint at the sub-divisional level. If unresolved, escalate to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) at the nearest divisional office, and finally, to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) if necessary. - How do I escalate a grievance to the CGRF of APDCL?
Lodge a grievance at your nearest zonal/circle office of APDCL within 30 days of the final response or expiry of the resolution period from CGRF, including all necessary consumer details, the nature of the grievance, and previous complaint references. - What options are available if I am unsatisfied with the decision of the CGRF of APDCL?
You can file a complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman of Assam within 30 days of receiving the final decision from the CGRF. If still dissatisfied, you may escalate further to the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC) or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL).