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JVVNL Helplines, Jaipur Discom: How to Register an Electricity Complaint to Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited?


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Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) is a public electricity distribution company, owned by the Energy Department of the State Government of Rajasthan, India. Jaipur Discom is one of the largest power distributors in Rajasthan’s east and southeast districts.

JVVNL provides its electricity services to the residents of Jaipur, Bharatpur, Kota, Dholpur, Bundi, and other 7 districts (except Kota & Bharatpur city). Many urban and rural customers, businesses, industries, and entrepreneurial startups are currently benefiting from the services of the electricity board (EB) of JVVNL (Jaipur).

Headquarters of JVVNL, Vidyut Bhavan, Jaipur
Headquarters/Corporate office of JVVNL, Vidyut Bhavan, Jaipur (source –

12 District Zones and Its Sub-Stations of JVVNL Discom in Rajasthan:

  • Jaipur
  • Alwar
  • Dausa
  • Kota
  • Bharatpur
  • Dholpur
  • Baran
  • Jhalawar
  • Bundi
  • Tonk
  • Karauli
  • Sawai Madhopur

Want to register a complaint about no power supply, billing issues, and other electricity supply services of JVVNL? Don’t worry, resolve your issues about these electricity services, power failures, or electricity billing problems.

You can complain to JVVNL about:

  • No power supply, electricity outages, or failure of the transformer
  • Wrong bill, the erroneous amount in the bill, or a high bill amount.
  • Pending new JVVNL connection application
  • Meter, billings, and poles/wires issues
  • Voltage fluctuations, faults, etc.
  • Other electricity complaints

How to Register a Complaint to Jaipur Vidyut Vitran  Nigam Limited (JVVNL)?

According to the citizen charter of Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, the grievance redressal mechanism is divided into 3 internal levels. Customers or clients of JVVNL can first submit a complaint to the regional or substation of the zone and further to the senior Engineer of the zone or appointed grievance/nodal officer.

JVVNL – Electricity Complaint Registration Fee & Resolution Time
Grievance Fee ₹0 (No Charges)
Resolution Time Immediately or may take 7 to 30 days (depending on the technical or critical issues)

If complaints are not resolved within the given time by the regional/zonal officers of Jaipur Discom, escalate to the next levels, as mentioned below in the hierarchy list.

  1. Substation/ Circle/ Zonal Officer, JVVNL
    1. Substation Officer (Head Engineer)
    2. Nodal Officer, Circle/ Zonal Office
  2. Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, JVVNL
  3. Electricity Ombudsman, RERC
Register complaints to JVVNL about electricity services - guidance (
Register complaints to JVVNL about electricity services – guidance (

JVVNL Electricity Helplines

Submit a complaint about electricity service issues through the toll-free helpline number, e-mail, and WhatsApp number of JVVL and the Electricity Board of Jaipur Discom anytime 24×7. The contact details of the sub-station, zonal offices, and regional circles are provided below.

To revise the incorrect meter reading, send a photo or video of the meter with the connection number (K.No.) by WhatsApp to your zonal office of JVVNL. Send meter details and other information to WhatsApp, refer below.

Zonal Office, JVVNL WhatsApp Number
Jaipur +919413375901
Bharatpur +919413375882
Kota  +919413375881

Must Mention These Details:

  • Name and Customer ID/connection number
  • The nature of the complaint (electricity issue)
  • The subject of the issue with the category of electricity services
  • Other relevant and supporting information or evidence

Internal Grievance Redressal Cell, JVVNL

As per the grievance redressal policy, the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGR Cell), JVVNL is constituted in 3 levels. You may first escalate the matter to the sub-divisional officer in level 1. Further to the officers of level 2 and level 3 as illustrated below.

The jurisdiction of the IGR Cell includes:

  • Grievances of a Non-monetary/general nature such as relating to the quality of supply, defects in service and standards of Performance by the Jaipur Discom:
    • Divisional level – Grievance of LT supply consumers of the Division
    • Circle (District) level– Grievance of HT /EHT supply consumers of the Circle
  • The grievance of a monetary nature relating to electricity bills, recovery of arrears, and payment of demand raised by the JVVNL except the cases covered U/s 126 & 135 of the Act:
    • Sub-divisional level – Monetary limit of ₹20,000/-
    • Divisional level – Monetary limit of ₹50,000/-
    • Circle (District) level – Monetary limit of ₹5,00,000/-

Grievance Fee & Resolution Time:

Grievance fee ₹0 (No fees)
Resolution time 30 days (after receiving the grievance)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 24 hours


  • Write a complaint letter or draft an e-mail with the required information.
  • Attach the supporting documents, photos, and other scanned proof.
  • Send this letter or e-mail to your divisional or circle nodal officer of IGR Cell, JVVNL. Contact details are provided in the table below.
  • You may also visit your sub-divisional or circle office to submit the grievance application.
  • After successful submission of the application, take the acknowledgement receipt immediately or within 24 hours as proof, and use it to track the status and future reference.

Note If the grievance is not resolved within 30 days or you are not satisfied with the final decision, lodge a grievance to the CGRF Forum, JVVNL. (see the section below)

Contact number, e-mail, and other details of the appointed nodal officer of IGR Cell your circle, Jaipur Discom: (Click to contact sub-divisional and divisional office)

IGR Cell, JVVNL Designation Phone No. E-mail
Jaipur City Circle
SE (JCC) +911412202762
XEN (CD-I) OPH +911412200977
AEN (A-I ) NPH +911412203404
Jaipur District Circle
SE (JPDC) +911412202481
AO +911412203447
Alwar Circle SE (O&M) +911442701960
AO +911442332658
XEN (CD) +911442701450
Duasa Circle
SE (O&M) +911427231123
AO +911427231508
XEN (O&M) +911427230101
 Tonk Circle
SE (O&M) +911432243311
AO +919414029350
XEN (O&M) +911432247317
Bharatpur Circle
SE (O&M) +915644236282
AO +915644236316
XEN (O&M) +915644225533
Dholpur Circle
SE (O&M) +915642220024
AO +915642220249
XEN (O&M) +915642220850
Karauli Circle
SE (O&M) +917464294001
AO +919414016052
XEN (O&M) +917464221342
Sawai Madhopur
Circle (SWM)

SE (O&M) +917462220563
AO +919413390448
XEN (O&M) +917462220352
Kota Circle
SE (O&M) +917442324192
XEN (DD) +917442327966
AEN (R) +917442327728
Bundi Circle
SE (O&M) +917472445424
AO +917472442405
XEN (O&M-I) +917472443770
Jhalawar Circle
SE (O&M) +917432230030
AO +917432230297
XEN (O&M-I) +917432240058
Baran Circle
SE (O&M) +917453237120
XEN (CD) +917453237046
AEN (A-I) +917453230027

Not resolved within 30 days or dissatisfied with responses? Lodge a grievance to the CGRF (Forum) of Jaipur Discom.

Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, JVVNL

As per the Electricity Act, 2003, each electricity distribution company has to constitute the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) to resolve the unaddressed or unsatisfactory complaints submitted by consumers to the IGR Cell. Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has also constituted CGRF at the zonal and corporate levels under RERC (Guidelines for redressal of grievances) Regulations, 2008.

The jurisdiction of CGRF (Forum) is:

  • Unaddressed/unresolved grievances of a non-monetary/general nature such as relating to the quality of supply, defects in service & standards of performance by the Jaipur Discom:
    • Zonal Level – Grievance of LT and HT supply consumers.
    • Corporate Level – Grievance of EHT supply consumers
  • The grievance of a monetary nature relating to electricity bills, recovery of arrears, and payment of demand raised by the Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited except the cases covered U/s 126 & 135 of the Act:
    • Zonal Forum – Monetary limit up to ₹5,00,000/-
    • Corporate Forum – More than ₹5,00,000/-

Lodge a Grievance

Complaints not resolved within 30 days or dissatisfied with the IGR Cell of your circle of Jaipur Discom? First, lodge a grievance to the zonal level forum and if not resolved or dissatisfied, escalate it to the corporate level forum (CGRF).

CGRF (Forum) Fee & Resolution Time:

CGRF Fee ₹0 (No fees)
Resolution time 30 days (May extend up to 45 days)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 3 days of receiving the application


  • Download the grievance form of CGRF, JVVNL:
  • Fill out the required information in the form or write a grievance letter in this format
    • Name, address, and phone no./e-mail of the complainant
    • Connection No., division/circle, and category of the grievance
    • Detail of complainant, employee/department, and nature of the relief.
  • Description of the grievance with facts, information, and supporting arguments.
  • Attach all the list of documents and information as mentioned above.
  • Finally, submit the grievance form (see the table below):
    • Visit the office, e-mail, or send by post to your Zonal level forum of JVVNL
    • If not resolved or dissatisfied with the zonal office, appeal to the Corporate Forum (CGRF) of Jaipur Dicom by submitting a grievance letter (same format).
  • Don’t forget to take the acknowledgement receipt after successfully submitting your grievance. Usually, the receipt will be sent electronically (e-mail/SMS) or handled to you within 3 days of receiving the form.

Contact number, e-mail, and official details of the Zonal/Corporate CGRF (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) of Jaipur Discom (Electricity Board).

I. Zonal Level Forum (CGRF), JVVNL

Zonal Forum, JVVNL Designation E-mail Phone No.
Jaipur  Zone ZCE (JZ) +911412202403
Bharatpur Zone ZCE (BZ) +915644236080
Kota Zone ZCE (KZ) +917442450066

If not satisfied with the Zonal Forum, appeal to the Corporate Level Form from below.

II. Corporate Level Forum (CGRF), JVVNL

1. Managing Director, Jaipur Discom:

Designation MD (Managing Director), JVVNL
Phone No. +911412741134, +919413390178
Address CGRF Forum, JVVNL, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur – 302005.


Designation CCOA, JVVNL
Phone No. +911412742014, +919413399044
Address CGRF Forum, JVVNL, Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur – 302005.

Have you not been satisfied with the final order? Is the grievance not resolved within 30 days? If this happens to you, file a petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, RERC within 30 days with the appropriate information.

Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan

The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has constituted the Electricity Ombudsman to hear the cases against the final order of CGRF, JVVNL (Electricity Distributor in Rajasthan).

You have to file a petition against JVVNL to appeal before the Electricity Ombudsman, RERC within 30 days of receiving the final order or expiry of the given resolution period (30 days) to CGRF (Forum), JVVNL.

Ready to file a petition? Visit the link below to contact the Ombudsman, download the representation/petition form, and submit your case online by e-filing.

Note Not satisfied with the final order of the Electricity Ombudsman? Approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), and further to the judicial bodies (High Court/Supreme Court of India) against the order passed by the Commission. Before this, must take advice from a legal expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the electricity customer care number of JVVNL to register a complaint?
A. Dial the toll-free customer care number 1912, 18001806507, or call on the JVVNL helpline number 18001806127+911412203000 and e-mail to register a complaint about the electricity services and power outages.

Q. What is the WhatsApp number of JVVNL for electricity services & support?
A. WhatsApp +919414037085 to get help from Jaipur Discom and also file a complaint about the issues of electricity services and new connection.

Q. Where can I complain if the regional sub-station of JVVNL does not resolve problems?
A. If your complaints are not resolved within the given time, escalate this by complaining to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGR Cell) of your sub-division, division, and circle based on the electricity issue and monetary loss.

Q. Where can I approach if IGR Cell, Jaipur Discom does not resolve my complaints?
A. In this situation, lodge a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of your Zonal Level Forum and then to the Corporate Level Forum. You may submit this grievance by online form, written application, and e-mail your concerns with reference/acknowledgement receipt of the previous complaint of IGR Cell.

Q. What can I do if my grievance is not resolved within 30 days or not satisfied with the final order of CGRF, JVVNL?
A. If the resolution period exceeds or you are not satisfied with the final order, file a petition against JVVNL to the Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan by submitting a representation form. You may approach the Ombudsman by RERC online e-filing, or written representation form, or may seek help by e-mail.


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User Reviews (30)

Prakash Kumawat
January 9, 2025

Electricity not coming sirani village

Electricity not coming sirani village
January 9, 2025

Very most 3rd class power house of rajasthan is Sanganer

Very most 3rd class power house of rajasthan is Sanganer. almost daily light jati hai or koi sunwai bhi nahi hoti or most of the time toll free no lagta hi nahi maine kai bar email bhi kiya but koi solution nahi hua AEN, JEN ko bhi kai bar call kiya wo most of time call hi nahi uthate or utha bhi le to theek se baat nahi kar koi solution nahi hua. agar koi ye review dekh raha hai to aapse request hai please iss problem ko jald se jald theek karwaye. Jai hind....Jai bharat
Soniya sharma
September 14, 2024

Fluctuation in light continuously

Sawaimadhopur behind collectreat Rajasthan
vijay tiwari
August 13, 2024

write a letter of complaint regarding irregular electric supply

Respected Sir, Subject - write a letter of complaint regarding irregular electric supply i am facing big problems in jagatputa Plot no C-50,51, Flat no. 101, Shyam Residency -3, Ramnagariya South, Near D-Mart, Jagtpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Pin code: 302017, We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months in our locality. In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their upcoming Board Exams as well as for other final mother very old above 90 year, she is facing too much health issue, it 24 hours only light available 04 hours, many times I have made a complaint but did not taken any action against jvvn, Warm regards Vijay Tiwari
Yadram gurjar
July 30, 2024

Light nahi aa rhi hamare area me rajasthan,bundi,hindoli, raghunathpura

Light nahi aa rhi hamare area me rajasthan, bundi, hindoli, raghunathpura
July 30, 2024

Very bad website

Overall (1.5 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (2 out of 5)
So poor reviews
Kailash gurjar
July 30, 2024

Mitar m riding

Hii sar m Chaksu jaipur s hu m chaksu m apni campalnt 4 bar d Diya hu lakin abi Tak koi bi sunabai nahi hu h m baut parsan ho Gaya hu rojana jakar lakin koi sun n ko tayar nahi h pical 4mahin s mara mitar riding Jayda d raha h or koi cak karn nahi aarah h
July 30, 2024

Electricity conplaint

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Jvvnl employee communication is too bad with customers they talk so badly
Lokesh chaturvedi
July 30, 2024

Complaint of electricity not coming in Rajasthan takha,near bharatpur, rarah

From 2 hours the electricity is not coming we are getting very worried so please can you help us to send the electricity 🔌🔌. Thanks for my listening
Bhupendra Singh Rajawat
July 30, 2024

Electricity problem last 10-15 days

Sir, I request you that we are facing a lot of electricity problem since last 10-15 days. I have been complaining continuously for 10 days but no attention is being paid to my complaint. Everyone in the colony is getting electricity but our house is not getting electricity for last 2 hours. You are requested to take our complaint seriously and rectify it And if you can't fix it then open this electricity meter and take it away. All the family members are very worried due to this electricity.
ramswaroop mittal
July 30, 2024

Voltage problem

voltage problem from 10 days
Jatin Sharma
July 30, 2024


Hello Sir, mam Hamare geya Electricity ki bahut badi problem ho Rahi ha Electricity Bar bar cut ho Rahi ha Ek bar cut hoti ha to kam se kam 2,se,3 ghante ke liye jati ha Electricity. Address:- Dev Nagar 3rd(Gujaro ki Dhani) Jaisinghpura pura khor Jaipur. Pin code:- 302027 I request you please look this matter immediately Thanku sir Name:- Jatin Sharma
Neetu sharma
July 30, 2024

Power supply stopped

Very disappointing service of Bhankrota power house jaipur.
Neetu sharma
July 30, 2024

Power supply stopped

Power supply stopped from last 1 hour not picked by Customer care executive...such a care less service.
July 30, 2024

Electricity problem

Me and family lives in Gangapol area. And we are facing electricity problem . Once the electricity cuts off it is taking so much time to come back . We were sitting for more than 2 hours . This is happening almost every day . As you know it very hot in summers in Jaipur .
Pankaj Chhabra
July 30, 2024

3Rd Class service

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
3Rd class service
Bhawani Singh
July 30, 2024

Power cutting

Why cut the power as humful temprature is 40+ are you responsible for any misshappnihg
Mohammed saeed
July 30, 2024

No electricity in 4 hours

There has been no electricity in my colony since 4 hours. It has been 4 hours since I complained but no action has been taken.
Unnati vihar
July 30, 2024

Why electric cutting on this time daily

You are cutting daily electric at 3 am from last 2 days
July 30, 2024

Light issue

I am from mansarovar . And pin code is 302020 . Electricity is not avilable last 2 hours and toll free no is not connect pleased solved this issue
Nishu nama
July 30, 2024

Bar bar light Jane or rat ko sbhi ko smaysya hote hai or jvvnl ko call krne k bad bhi jwb nhi Dene

Dear sir Tonk city m aaye din light jate rhte hai upr se yee garmi din m to thik hai lekin rat mai sote tym hamesha light jate hai or jvvnl walo ko phn kro to jwb nhi dete phn swich off milta hai ab aam admi kre to kre kya pure neend khrb hote hai bacche rote hai bujurgo ko pareshani hote hai bill to tym se jama krwane k bad bhi itne dikkat hote. Hai isse aacha to bill na hi de to badiya hai
Village gambhira kustala sawaimadhopur
July 26, 2024

Bad electricity service

Overall (2.5 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (3 out of 5)
Customer Service (3 out of 5)
Very poor service, village gambhira kustala sawaimadhopur (rajasthan) Please action
जटियाना फीडर ग्राम पंचायत तहसील कोटकासिम अलवर राज
July 26, 2024

सर बिजली की रात को बिल्कुल भी नही दे रहे है

में ग्राम पंचायत जटियाना तहसील कोटकासिम जिला अलवर राजस्थान रात को को बिजली की कटौती बहुत हो रही है गर्मी की वजह से सभी लोग बहुत परेशानी का सामना पड़ रहा है इसलिए इस बात पर कार्यवाही की जाए वरना बात आगे तक जायगी
July 26, 2024


Light is not coming why in which time did light come 😡 Ans me fast
July 26, 2024

Electricity cut

We are working ranthambhore, Sawai madhopur. We are facing Daily basis electricity cut problem. Now time is 02:00PM. There is no electricity till now. Ease solve it asap.
Gordhan Dewasi
July 26, 2024

Lite nahi hone par

Aaj rat me lite nahi hone par bahut badi pareshani hone par
Vikas Kumawat
June 4, 2024

Electricity problem

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
At start of darkness electricity gone away. It's very difficult to face
RK Verma
April 27, 2024

शिकायत क्रमांक 2103220165579

I had complaints many times as they always cut electricity at night 7-8 hours but still not getting resolution, How could we survive at summer time?? शिकायत क्रमांक 2103220165579 दिनांक 26-04-2024 है। विद्युत सम्बन्धित शिकायत
Kuldeep singh Rajawat vikas vihar colony tonk mai light nahi aarahi
April 24, 2024

Light nahi aarahi

Vikas vihar colony tonk mai light nahi aarahi
February 15, 2024

Exellent Portal

Overall (4.5 out of 5)
Quality of service (4 out of 5)
Affordability (5 out of 5)
Customer Service (4 out of 5)
Exellent Portal


Overall (0 out of 5)

Leave A Review

Quality of service
Customer Service
Electricity not coming sirani villageVery most 3rd class power house of rajasthan is Sanganer. almost daily light jati hai or koi sunwai bhi nahi hoti or most of the time toll free no lagta hi nahi maine kai bar email bhi kiya but koi solution nahi hua AEN, JEN ko bhi kai bar call kiya wo most of time call hi nahi uthate or utha bhi le to theek se baat nahi kar koi solution nahi hua. agar koi ye review dekh raha hai to aapse request hai please iss problem ko jald se jald theek karwaye. Jai hind....Jai bharatSawaimadhopur behind collectreat RajasthanRespected Sir, Subject - write a letter of complaint regarding irregular electric supply i am facing big problems in jagatputa Plot no C-50,51, Flat no. 101, Shyam Residency -3, Ramnagariya South, Near D-Mart, Jagtpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Pin code: 302017, We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months in our locality. In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their upcoming Board Exams as well as for other final mother very old above 90 year, she is facing too much health issue, it 24 hours only light available 04 hours, many times I have made a complaint but did not taken any action against jvvn, Warm regards Vijay TiwariLight nahi aa rhi hamare area me rajasthan, bundi, hindoli, raghunathpuraJVVNL Helplines, Jaipur Discom: How to Register an Electricity Complaint to Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited?