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TPWODL Helplines: How to Register an Electricity Complaint to TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited?


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TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL) is a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of Odisha. TPWODL is dedicated to providing power distribution and customer service in the western districts of Odisha including Bargarh, Bolangir, Deogarh, Jharsuguda, Kalahandi, Nuapada, Sambalpur, Sonepur, and Sundergarh.

Have complaints with TPWODL electricity services? You can complain to customer support via the toll-free electricity helpline number or file a complaint online directly to TPWODL.

Please note: In cases of consumer rights violations by TPWODL, you may complain to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), a national consumer protection authority, under the Department of Consumer Affairs, or with the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC).

How to File a Complaint to TP Western Odisha Distribution Ltd?

As per the citizen charter of TPWODL, the grievance redressal process has three levels:

  • Level 1: Lodge a complaint at the Sub-Division/Customer Center of TPWODL.
  • Level 2: Escalate the issue to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum.
  • Level 3: Appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman for Odisha.
Flow Chart for grievance redressal mechanism of TPWODL Western Odisha Electricity Board
Flow Chart for grievance redressal mechanism of TPWODL Western Odisha Electricity Board

Additionally, if you disagree with the final decision of the Ombudsman, you may challenge it by approaching the regulatory authority or the high court of Odisha.

Level 1: Customer Care, TPWODL Electricity Board

For electrcity problems like power outages, billing errors, interruptions in electricity service, fuse or transformer failures, or any other electricity-related concerns, you can complain to TPWODL officials and the customer care center through these contact methods and helpline numbers.

For the complaints related to power theft, you may email to with photos of incident or other evidence.

When submitting a complaint, please provide the following details:

  • TPWODL Connection number (if applicable)
  • Type of complaint
  • Detailed description of the issue, including any relevant photos or documents, like copies of bills for issues related to billing
  • Other supporting documents or evidence that could help in addressing your concern.

For handling payment/billing adjustments or to use online services, please visit the TPWODL customer portal (Mobidyut).

To report instances of corruption, unethical behavior by employees, power theft, or any other misconduct, please submit your complaint to the appointed Vigilance Officer by the Electricity Board using the contact information provided below:

Designation Vigilance Officer, TPWODL
Phone Number +919980558855
WhatsApp +919980558855

If your previous complaints remain unresolved, escalate your casewith the reference ID to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) of TPWODL.

Still not resolved? Lodge your grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).

Level 2: Lodge a Grievance to Consumer Forum (CGRF), TPWODL

If your initial complaints to the Customer Service at TPWODL are not resolved within 15 working days, you can escalate the matter by filing a grievance with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).

The TPWODL Forum operates in accordance with the OERC Distribution (Condition of Supply) Code, 2004.

To file a grievance, you will need:

  • A completed grievance form or a written complaint on plain paper
  • Your Consumer Number and your contact details
  • The Reference Number of your previous complaint (TPWODL)
  • Copies of any prior complaints submitted to SDO/EE or another officer, including any responses received, if available.
  • The resolution or relief you are seeking
  • Any additional supporting documents to substantiate your claim
  • A signed declaration form

Please note: The grievance should be submitted within 30 days following the expiry of the resolution period or upon receipt of the final response from TPWODL, whichever is earlier.

Contact Details of CGRF Forum

Contact details to lodge your grievance with CGRF:

CGRF Office, TPWODL Address, E-mail, and Phone No.
Sambalpur Address: Grievance Redressal Forum, TPWODL, Burla, At. Qtr. No. SD-6/2, Saurav Vihar, Near NAC College, Burla, Sambalpur-768017.
Phone: +916632950601
Sundergarh Address: Office of the President, Grievance Redressal Forum
TPWODL, Rourkela, At. Plot No. UU/9, Civil Township, Rourkela-769004, Sundergarh.
Phone: +916612952614
Bolangir Address: Grievance Redressal Forum, TPWODL, Bolangir, At. WESCO Guest House, In front of the Children’s Park, Near Collector Residence, Bolangir-767001
Phone: +916652235741
Kalahandi Address: Grievance Redressal Forum TPWODL, Bhawanipatna, At-Plot no-283,Purunapada, Circuit House Road, Beside Income Tax Office, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi, 766001.
Phone: +916670230012
Bargarh Address: Grievance Redressal Forum TPWODL, Bargarh, At- First Floor, Raymond Building, Bandutikira Chowk, PO/PS/Dist- BARGARH, Pin- 768028.
Phone: +916646230135

Don’t forget to receive an acknowledgement receipt for your records after submitting a grievance.

Level 3: Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, Odisha

According to the OERC (Electricity Supply Code and Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees) Regulations, you are can to appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman under the following conditions:

  1. Your complaint with the CGRF of TPWODL remains unresolved after 45 days.
  2. The resolution provided by the CGRF is unsatisfactory.
  3. The CGRF’s resolution is incomplete or partial.

In these scenarios, you may lodge a complaint against Tata Power Western Odisha Distribution Limited with the Electricity Ombudsman of Odisha.

Your complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman must be filed within 30 days following the receipt of the final decision from the CGRF.

Please note: Filing this complaint is free of charge, and while legal representation isn’t necessary, you can seek guidance from the Consumer Advocacy Cell.

If the final decision of the Electricity Ombudsman does not resolve your issue, you have the option to take your case to either the High Court of Odisha or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (for issues related to commercial licenses or disputes).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I file a complaint with TPWODL?

A. You can lodge a complaint by calling TPWODL’s toll-free electricity helpline numbers 1912 or 18003456798, via WhatsApp at +918114393836, or through email at You can also file complaints online through the TPWODL website or visit the Customer Care Center in your ward/division.

Q. What common issues can I report to TPWODL?

A. Common issues include billing disputes, power supply problems like outages and transformer malfunctions, street lighting issues such as non-functional lamps or broken bulbs, and safety hazards like unsafe wiring or exposed electrical cables.

Q. What should I do if my complaint to TPWODL remains unresolved?

A. If your complaint is not resolved within 15 working days, you can escalate the issue to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF). If the resolution provided by CGRF is unsatisfactory or the issue is unresolved after 45 days, you may file a complaint with the Electricity Ombudsman of Odisha.

Q. What details are required to file a grievance with the CGRF?

A. You’ll need to provide your consumer number, contact details, a reference number of your previous complaint, a detailed description of the issue, any prior complaints and responses, the resolution you are seeking, and any supporting documents. A completed grievance form or a written complaint on plain paper is also necessary.

Q. How do I contact the Vigilance Officer of TPWODL?

A. To report corruption, unethical behavior, or power theft, contact the Vigilance Officer at phone number +919980558855, WhatsApp +919980558855, or email

Q. What should I do if I am not satisfied with the final order of the Electricity Ombudsman?

A. If you are not satisfied with the Ombudsman’s decision, you have the option to appeal to the High Court of Odisha or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity for commercial license disputes.

Q. Where can I find the contact details for the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) offices in TPWODL’s jurisdiction?

A. CGRF offices are located in several districts, including Sambalpur, Sundergarh, Bolangir, Kalahandi, and Bargarh. Each office’s address, email, and phone number are specific to the district and can be found above or by contacting the main customer service line for guidance.


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