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JDVVNL, Jodhpur Discom: How to File an Electricity Complaint to Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited?


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Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JDVVNL) is a public-sector electricity distribution company, owned by the state government of Rajasthan. JDVVNL ensures the supply of electricity in the western and northern districts of Rajasthan.

Jodhpur Discom is divided into 12 distribution circles that include rural, town, and urban regions in Rajasthan. These circles (divisions) of the JDVVNL Electricity Board (EB) are:

  • Jodhpur City
  • Pali
  • Jodhpur District
  • Sirohi
  • Jalore
  • Barmer
  • Jaisalmer
  • Bikaner City
  • Bikaner District
  • Churu
  • Hanumangarh
  • Sri Ganganagar
Headquarters of JdVVNL, Jodhpur
Headquarters of JdVVNL, Jodhpur (source –

Have complaints about electricity services? File your online complaint on the grievance portal of JDVVNL. Additionally, call the toll-free helpline number or email/WhatsApp the customer care or officials of concerned divisions of Jodhpur Discom.

Level 1: JDVVNL Electricity Helplines

Dial the toll-free customer care/helpline numbers, email, or WhatsApp to JDVVNL Electricity Board to lodge complaints. The official contact details of the zonal/sub-station offices and regional/circles are mentioned below.

For consumer services, use the Web Self Service (WSS) portal of JDVVNL. To get a new connection, Download the new connection form or re-connection form.

Guide to register a complaint online with JdVVNL
Guide to registering a complaint online with JdVVNL (source –

Click the given numbers to call representatives immediately and resolve your issues.

Must provide the following details:

  • Customer ID/connection number
  • The nature of electricity complaint
  • Describe the issue with details of location, criticality, technical problems, etc.
  • Other relevant evidence (if any):

Note – If the submitted complaint is not resolved or dissatisfied with the redressal of JDVVNL, first lodge a grievance online or write to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) then approach the CGRF, JDVVL at the Corporate Office.

Level 2: Integrated Grievance Redressal Cell, JDVVNL

According to the R.E.R.C. (Guidelines for Redressal of Grievances) Regulations, 2008 notified by the RERC, if your complaints are not resolved as per your satisfaction within the given resolution period, escalate the complaint to constituted Integrated Grievance Redressal (IGR) Cell of Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam.

The IGR Cell has 3 levels. Escalate the grievance as per the jurisdiction hierarchy of levels, illustrated below:

  • For the Non-monetary/general nature complaints, such as the quality of supply, defects in service, and Standards of Performance:
    • Divisional level – LT supply consumer disputes
    • Circle (District) level– HT /EHT supply consumer complaints of the Circle
  • For the monetary nature of grievances like electricity bills, recovery of arrears, settlement of billing amount, monetary loss, payment of demand, etc.
    • Sub-divisional level – Monetary limit of ₹10,000/-
    • Divisional level – Monetary limit of ₹25,000/-
    • Circle (District) level – Monetary limit of ₹3,00,000/-

Lodge a grievance to IGR Cell

Required information:

  • Connection ID/account no. and communication details
  • Reference number/acknowledgement receipt of the previous complaint
  • The nature of the disputed matter
  • Reason for dissatisfaction with final resolution (if any)
  • Brief description of the issue with expected relief
  • Copy of supporting documents or previous bills (for billing issues)

Grievance Fee & Resolution Time:

Grievance fee ₹0 (No fees)
Resolution period 30 days (after receiving the grievance)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 24 hours


  • Write a grievance letter with the required information.
  • Attach the supporting documents, photos, and other scanned proof.
  • Send this letter or e-mail to IGR Cell, JVVNL.
  • Alternatively, visit the concerned office to submit the grievance form

Submitted successfully? Don’t forget to take the acknowledgement receipt and use it to track the status.

Note – If not resolved within 30 days or if dissatisfied with the final order, use this receipt to escalate the matter to CGRF of JDVVNL at the Zonal/Corporate Office.

Contact number, e-mail, and other details of the appointed officer of the IGR Cell of your circle, Jodhpur Discom:

IGR Cell:

IGR Cell, JDVVNL Designation Phone No. E-mail
Jodhpur City SE (City) +912912517896
Pali SE (O&M) +912932281270
Jodhpur District SE (DC) +912912517894
Sirohi S.E. (O&M) +912972225455 N/A
Barmer SE (O&M) +912982223788
Jalore SE (O&M) +912973222535
Jaisalmer SE (O&M) +912992250543
Bikaner District (BKN) SE (DC) +911512226206
Churu SE (O&M) +911562250372
Hanumangarh SE (O&M) +911552260548
Sri Ganaganagar (SGNR) SE (O&M) +911542442080

Still dissatisfied? Escalate this grievance to CGRF, JDVVNL as mentioned below.

Level 3: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, JDVVNL

Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited has constituted the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) under the RERC (Guidelines for redressal of grievances) Regulations, 2008. If you are not satisfied with the final order or your complaint is not resolved within 30 days by IGR Cell then escalate the case by lodging a grievance to Electricity CGRF, JDVVNL.

The jurisdiction of CGRF (Forum) is:

  • Non-monetary/general nature complaints relating to the quality of supply, defects in service & standards of performance by the Jodhpur Discom:
    • Zonal Level – LT and HT supply consumers.
    • Corporate Level – EHT supply consumers
  • Monetary nature grievances relating to electricity bills, recovery of arrears, and payment of demand raised by the Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited:
    • Zonal Forum – Monetary limit upto ₹3,00,000/-
    • Corporate Forum – More than ₹3,00,000/-

JdVVNL CGRF (Forum) Fee & Resolution Time:

CGRF Fee ₹0 (No fees)
Resolution time 30 days (May extend up to 45 days)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 3 days of receiving the application


  • Download the grievance form of CGRF, JdVVNL:
  • Fill out the required information in the form or write a grievance letter in this format
    • Name, address, and phone no./e-mail of the complainant
    • Connection No., division/circle, and category of the grievance
    • Detail of complainant, employee/department, and nature of the relief.
  • Description:
    • Include facts, information, and supporting arguments.
    • Attach all the documents and information as mentioned above.
  • Finally, submit the grievance form:
    • Visit the office, e-mail, or send by post to your Zonal forum
    • Not resolved or dissatisfied with the zonal office? Appeal to the Corporate Forum (CGRF) of Jodhpur Discom by submitting this grievance letter (same format).
  • Must take the acknowledgement receipt of the submitted grievance form. Usually, the receipt will be sent electronically (e-mail/SMS) or handled to you within 3 days of receiving the form.

Contact number, e-mail, and official details of the Zonal/Corporate CGRF (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) of JdVVNL Electricity Board.

I. Zonal Level Forum (CGRF), JdVVNL

Zonal Forum, JdVVNL Designation E-mail Phone No.
Jodhpur Zone ZCE (JDZ)
Bikaner Zone ZCE (BZ)
Barmer Zone ZCE (BMR)

If not satisfied with the Zonal Forum, appeal to the Corporate Level Form from below.

II. Corporate Level Forum (CGRF), JdVVNL

Designation MD (Managing Director), JdVVNL
Phone No. +912912742229, +912912651200
Fax No. 02912741870
Address Corporate CGRF Forum, JdVVNL, New Power House, Industrial Area, Jodhpur – 342003, Rajasthan.

Note – Still dissatisfied with the final order or not resolved within 30 days (may take up to 45 days)? In these conditions, you may file a petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, RERC to resolve this dispute with JdVVNL.

Level 4: Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan

According to the rules and regulations of RERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Electricity Ombudsman and Consumer Advocacy) Regulations, 2021 issued by the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, if the submitted grievance to CGRF, JdvvNL is:

  • Not resolved within 30 days by Zonal/Corporate CGRF
  • Dissatisfied with the final order
  • Partially resolved

In these conditions, you can file a petition against Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited to the Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan.

If you want to file a petition then, follow the given instructions below.

  • The petition can be filed by online/offline mode
  • Must provide details of previously submitted complaints to JdVVNL, IGR Cell, and CGRF of Jodhpur Discom.

Visit the link below to download the representation/petition form, know contact details, and submit your case online by e-filing of RERC.

Click: File a petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan

Note Dissatisfied with the final order of the Ombudsman? Approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), and further to the judicial bodies (High Court/Supreme Court of India). Before this, must take advice from a legal expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the toll-free customer care number of JDVVNL?
A. Dial the JdVVNL toll-free helpline numbers 18001806045 and 1912 to register your electricity issues. Additionally, you may WhatsApp at +919413359064 or email

Q. How can I register a complaint about online JdVVNL billing payment failure?
A. You should email with details of the failed transaction while paying online your electricity bill to JdVVNL.

Q. Where can I complain if my issues are not resolved by JdVVNL customer care representatives?
A. First, write or e-mail to the Integrated Grievance Redressal Cell (IGR) of your sub-division/division/circle level office. If not resolved within 30 days then escalate the disputed matter to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) at the Zonal/Corporate Level Forum of JdVVNL.

Q. What can I do if I’m not satisfied with the final order of CGRF, JdVVNL?
A. If your complaint is not resolved as per your satisfaction within 30 days, file a petition against JdVVNL to the Electricity Ombudsman with the required details of previously submitted complaints.


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User Reviews (28)

Rajesh Kumar S/oSarla Devi
August 13, 2024

High voltage line regarding issue

वार्ड नंबर 5 बैक साइड का सेंट्रल जेल नियर नगर पालिका पंप हाउस के समान अंतर हाई वोल्टेज लाइन के संचालन होने के कारण हमारे घरों में बिजली आपूर्ति के संदर्भ में जोधपुर विद्युत वितरण निगम द्वारा संचालित लाइन के साथ हवाओं के आती दाब व आंधी तूफान के कारण दोनों लाइनों के शॉर्ट सर्किट हो जाने के कारण हमारे घरों में उपलब्ध बिजली उपकरण की सामग्री जैसे फ्रिज, पंखा, इनवर्टर आदि पूर्ण रूप से नष्ट हो गए हैं जिसके लिए बिजली विभाग के सक्षम कार्यकारी व्यवस्था जो की लाइन के संदर्भ में जिम्मेदार है जिम्मेदार हैं । उपरोक्त बिजली उपकरण एक मध्यम वर्ग के के परिवार के लिए उपरोक्त अंकित सामग्री का नष्ट होना एक अति दे कष्ट दायक है कृपया करके उपरोक्त संदर्भ में अपना ध्यान आकर्षित करते हुए समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए आदेश देवे। आपकी भवदीया उपभोक्ता- सरला देवी पत्नी स्वर्गीय प्रभु दयाल सूरतगढ़। K-No-310352030894
August 13, 2024

Ariya off

Sajiyali padam singh fold
sarvodaya library
August 13, 2024

very bad services

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
they send the bill very early and it is not cost effective and they also do not provide electricity always the low voltage problem occurs
राजो देवी
July 30, 2024

लो वोल्टेज समस्या

हमारे यहां लो वोल्टेज की समस्या काफी दिनो से चल रही है,कई बार शिकायत भी की लेकिन कोई पूर्ण समाधान नही मिला। वार्ड नं १५ फाटक के पास चूरू राजस्थान,
Kalpesh gardali
July 30, 2024

Light ko htane hetu

Hmare vha ghr ke uper se tar ja rhe vha aag lagne se tar ko htane hetu
Aashish Bhati
July 30, 2024

Bad behaviour by representative

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
The issue is not resolved from last 2 hours and even the customer representative is behaving very roud. (Sankar)
Prem singal
July 30, 2024

Regarding sparking

Myself prem singal प्रिय उपभोक्ता, आपका शिकायत क्रमांक 310333082973 दिनांक 02-Jun-2024 है। विद्युत सम्बन्धित शिकायत एवं अन्य सुविधाओं के लिए का प्रयोग करें। जोधपुर डिस्कॉम। I have complain many time. Till time not resolve.
Bhoopendra singh
July 30, 2024

Bill amount of k number 320414049561

Dear concern,I have got bill of rs 2500 rs in April 2024 and rs 2300 in June 2024,whereas no one is living there now, further for your notice in January 2024 electricity was cut down and meter closed,after payment electricity and meter started in 5march month April 2024 got bill of 2500 and in June 2200,so you are requested to kindly look in this matter
Prem singh
July 30, 2024

Low voltage

Dear City Electricity Supply Officer, I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue regarding the uninterrupted power supply in our area. For the past several days, we have been experiencing a complete power outage or low voltage, causing significant inconvenience to the residents solve the issue on priority bases
Rupal naruka
July 30, 2024


The lights are not coming in ajabpura village in alwar
July 30, 2024

हमारे घरों में वोल्टेज की समस्या6ए आ इस इसे

सर हमारे मोहल्ले में वोल्टेज की 2 मंथ से प्रोब्लम हो रही है अभितक कोई समस्या हल नहीं है मेरा सी पारा जैसलमेर मो।
Sher Singh
July 30, 2024

Bill supply nhi ho rhi 2 saal se bina bill dekhe hr bar bill ke liye office jana padta h vibhag koi sunvayi nhi krta

Bill ni mil rha reading man marji se li ja rhi CCA ko bhut bar kha ki bill ka kam hmara nhi h to kiska kam h bill Redding or bill print dena ka pls tell me jodhpur vidhut Nigam osian discom
Naresh kumar
July 30, 2024

Transfarmar brunout

Transfarmar brunout
Mintu choudhury
July 26, 2024

Light ktoti bhut jyada hoti h night me

Sabse bakvas service
Vadi hariyali th.sanchore jalore
July 26, 2024

Hariyali vidhut bord problam

Hamre ya rat me light kat di jati hai
Jatin Sharma
July 26, 2024

Phase problem

Low voltage has come due to which appliance not working properly please solve this issue. Address bhabhuta sidh colony Hanumangarh town 335513
July 26, 2024

Power gone

Power gone but not response
Vivek purohit
June 4, 2024

हर रथ को लाइट कट जाती है या

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
हर रात 11:30 बजे हर रात की रोशनी बंद हो जाती है और आने के लिए कोई निश्चित समय नहीं होता है कृपया ऐसी समस्याओं पर जवाब दें यह एक गंभीर मामला है।
Prem singh
June 4, 2024

Light issue

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
I'm user of your electricity but in last fev days don't have light fully days if lights was there then lowest voltage and we have 15 total connection in my area but no any support DP so kindly solve us our issue because it's summer days days temprature is above 45 so do the need fully sir..
May 9, 2024

Low power supply in our street

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
We are facing heavy problem due to low power supply in our street. We complain daily in near electricity center but no one can resolve our problem please solve our problem as soon as possible due to low power supply our many electricity items are damaged 😞😞 please solve🙏🏻
Mahendra meena
May 8, 2024

Complaint against Electric supply cutting

Overall (2.5 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (4 out of 5)
Customer Service (3 out of 5)
I am lives in D block Sawal colony Jaisalmer. Face Daily basis supply-cutting problems . Today supply cut at 9 Am but wasn't restore until 1 PM. This problem is faced on daily routine . There is face on heat wave on 42-43°c temp. If you don't given supply then All public face on Heavy diesese. Please If supply cutting is mandatory then choose a time about morning 5 AM to till 8 AM. ..
May 2, 2024

Complaint for faulty meter

K. No. 320442008415 Respected Sir, To my shock and surprise, I have received a bill of Rs.1295/- for the month of March 2024 for my house situated at Bhimaliya. My house remains closed for more than 28/29 days every month. I do not have any AC, fridge, washing machine or TV in my house. When I checked my meter for reading, nothing was visible/ readable in it. Please take down my complaint regarding the same and get my electric meter repaired or replaced immediately. Kindly also get the reading checked and rectify my March bill accordingly. Waiting for your immediate response Regards, Sagarmal Bhimaliya Mob. No. 93224XXXXX
Ghanchiyo ka bera khimada tehsil sumerpur vaya sanderao dist. Pali rajasthan 306708
April 18, 2024

electric line is very low on earth

I want to complain for electric line hight ki jaye
April 17, 2024

Hamare village me light nayi hai

My name modsingh noon Jalore hamare village me light nahi hai place my complete
JdVVNL, Jaisalmer
April 14, 2024

Very bad Review

FRT Team of Jaisalmer specially Supervisor named Hari Singh is very notorious person instead of calling my his AEn Sh. Bhardwaj, he refused to attend the complaint and answered the consumers in misbehaving manner in intoxicated situation and abusing also. hope to complete Govt holding or complete privatisation of Jodhpur Discom
January 10, 2024

बिजली विभाग में भ्रष्टाचार

[12/24/2023, 1:31 PM] Hanwant Raj: खाता नंबर ******* बाबूलाल आसाराम नाम का कनेक्शन किसी अन्य व्यक्ति ने बिना डॉक्यूमेंट बाबूलाल आसाराम के विद्युत विभाग जोधपुर विद्युत वितरण निगम लिमिटेड बालोतरा ग्रामीण के AEN/JEN के रिश्वत के अधीन कनेक्शन काटा गया जिसमें बाबूलाल आसाराम का कोई डॉक्यूमेंट नहीं है स्टांम पेपर पेपर पर पहचान करता का हस्ताक्षर भी नहीं है और नोटरी रजिस्टर नंबर भी नहीं है शून्य वैल्यू का स्टांप पर आसोतरा के लाइनमैन जेठाराम प्रजापत CCA के साथ AEN/JEN/विद्युत विभाग के अधिकारी मिलकर रिश्वत्ताधीन तरीके से बाबूलाल आसाराम के.न.*****09 का कनेक्शन काटा गया बताने पर बोलते हैं जो कट गया वह कट गया जो कार्रवाई करना है वह करो और मकान रिपोर्ट में बंद दिखाया गया जबकि मकान चालू है इतना भ्रष्टाचार विद्युत वितरण निगम लिमिटेड जोधपुर ग्रामीण बालोतरा में है जिसकी कोई सुनवाई नहीं/ Hanwant Raj: K Number Name Address Account Number Bill Number Billing Month Office Code Bill Status Consumption ConsumptionKvah BillAmount ***** [Protected]
Bharat ka nagarik
January 10, 2024

अवेध लाइट कनेक्शन के बाबत

Balotra 344022 , samdari road 0 number railway crossing ke pass fruits lari niymit kahi salo se night me 7 bje se rat 11 baje tk avedh light lgate h 500watt or is Karan koi Jan hani nhi ho ap smsya ka nivaran hua
Sonu rajput
December 31, 2023

Avedh light lene ke babt

Sir ,hmare ariea me anetik light li jati h ,samdari road 0 number fatak ke pass fruits lari vala bahut salo se niymit light avedh le rha h jiska connection vo high voltage dp se leta h apse anurodh ap jld se is smysa ka samadhan kre nhi to koi bdi Janhani ho skti h Bharat ka aajad nagrik jai hind Jai bharat


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वार्ड नंबर 5 बैक साइड का सेंट्रल जेल नियर नगर पालिका पंप हाउस के समान अंतर हाई वोल्टेज लाइन के संचालन होने के कारण हमारे घरों में बिजली आपूर्ति के संदर्भ में जोधपुर विद्युत वितरण निगम द्वारा संचालित लाइन के साथ हवाओं के आती दाब व आंधी तूफान के कारण दोनों लाइनों के शॉर्ट सर्किट हो जाने के कारण हमारे घरों में उपलब्ध बिजली उपकरण की सामग्री जैसे फ्रिज, पंखा, इनवर्टर आदि पूर्ण रूप से नष्ट हो गए हैं जिसके लिए बिजली विभाग के सक्षम कार्यकारी व्यवस्था जो की लाइन के संदर्भ में जिम्मेदार है जिम्मेदार हैं । उपरोक्त बिजली उपकरण एक मध्यम वर्ग के के परिवार के लिए उपरोक्त अंकित सामग्री का नष्ट होना एक अति दे कष्ट दायक है कृपया करके उपरोक्त संदर्भ में अपना ध्यान आकर्षित करते हुए समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए आदेश देवे। आपकी भवदीया उपभोक्ता- सरला देवी पत्नी स्वर्गीय प्रभु दयाल सूरतगढ़। K-No-310352030894Sajiyali padam singh foldthey send the bill very early and it is not cost effective and they also do not provide electricity always the low voltage problem occursहमारे यहां लो वोल्टेज की समस्या काफी दिनो से चल रही है,कई बार शिकायत भी की लेकिन कोई पूर्ण समाधान नही मिला। वार्ड नं १५ फाटक के पास चूरू राजस्थान,Hmare vha ghr ke uper se tar ja rhe vha aag lagne se tar ko htane hetuJDVVNL, Jodhpur Discom: How to File an Electricity Complaint to Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited?