Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) is a State Electricity Regulatory Commission constituted under sub-section (1) of section 82 of the Electricity Act, 2003. RERC regulates electricity distribution, transmission/trading, and generation by providing licenses to respective companies.
RERC has the power to grant licenses or exempt on the recommendation of the Government of Rajasthan. The licensees (Discoms of Rajasthan State Electricity Board) that come under the Commission in Rajasthan are:
- Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (AVVNL)
- Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL)
- Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JdVVNL)
Organization Structure:

If your submitted complaints are not resolved by the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of these companies or dissatisfied with the final order then you have the right to file a case against JVVNL, JdVVNL, or AVVNL Discom to Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan.
Electricity Ombudsman, RERC (Rajasthan)
The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has appointed Electricity Ombudsman under the Electricity Act of 2003. According to the rules and regulations of RERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Electricity Ombudsman and Consumer Advocacy) Regulations, 2021, Electricity Ombudsman is empowered to hear the cases which are not redressed by the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum of electricity distribution companies in Rajasthan or complainant is not satisfied with the final order.
So, file a petition with Commission against your distributor/Discom and appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, RERC within 30 days of receiving the final order or expiry of the given resolution period to CGRF (Forum).
File a petition
You may write a representation letter in the given format or file an online petition to the Ombudsman of the Commission against the Electricity Board/Discom for relief or recovery of monetary loss due to the electricity services of the company.

If you have any doubts or need the help of a legal expert in this case, communicate with the Consumer Advocacy Cell of the Commission (It is a free legal advisory cell for consumers/complainants).
Required Details:
- Name, address, and contact details of the complainant
- Consumer No., nature of the connection, and name of distribution licensee (JVVNL/JdVVNL/AVVNL)
- A copy of the acknowledgment receipt and previously submitted grievance application to Forum (CGRF)
- A copy of the final decision of the Forum (If received)
- List of the supporting documents, facts, and proof
The Case Hearing Fee & Resolution Period:
Petition Fee | Fee structure (As prescribed by the Commission) |
Resolution Period | 45 days (may extend with the nature of the case) |
Acknowledgment receipt | Within 3 days (Immediately, if directly submitted in the office) |
Follow the instructions to file a petition:
- Download the petition form to represent your case with Electricity Ombudsman (EO):
- Fill out the required information in the petition form or write in this format:
- Subject to the order of the CGRF Forum against which representation is being made
- Personal details, connection information (consumer id), and distribution licensee (Jaipur Discom)
- Details of your Zonal/Corporate Forum with the date of the previously submitted grievance (A copy of receipt and application form)
- Description of the representation of the case with facts and nature of relief expected from the Ombudsman.
- Attach all the required documents and relevant proof to support your case and arguments. Also, attach a copy of the previous order of the forum (if any)
- Finally, submit the representation form by:
- e-filing (file an online petition)
- Send by post or visit the office
- Send via E-mail with attached documents (must send or submit the physical form within a week)
- After successful submission, take the acknowledgment receipt and also know the case number to track the status of your petition.
Official details of the Electricity Ombudsman, RERC to file a representation online:
Office | Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan |
RERC e-filing | Online e-filing (Petition) |
Phone No. | +911412740843 |
rajombudsman@yahoo.in, registry.rerc@gmail.com | |
Address | Electricity Ombudsman, Vidyut Viniyamak Bhawan, Near State Motor, Garage, Sahakar Marg, Jaipur- 302001 (Rajasthan). |
Note – Are you not satisfied with the final decision of the Ombudsman? You may take the help of a legal expert. Approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), and further take legal action by appealing before the judicial bodies (Session, High Court of Rajasthan, or Supreme Court of India) including the district courts of the state.
Q. What is Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan?
A. Electricity Ombudsman is a quasi-judicial body constituted by the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission to redress the cases that are not resolved by the CGRFs of licensees that includes Jaipur (JVVNL), Ajmer (AVVNL), and Jodhpur (JdVVNL) as per the expectation of the consumers.
Q. How can I file a petition to Electricity Ombudsman?
A. First, you have to file your complaint to the respective electricity distributor company. If the complaint is not resolved as per your satisfaction by the CGRF of the respective licensee within 30 days (may take up to 45 days) then, you may file a petition by e-filing (online) or filling out a representation form (download from above) and submit it to registrar of RERC to appeal before the Electricity Ombudsman, Rajasthan.
Q. How many days it will take to get a final resolution from the Ombudsman?
A. Usually, it takes up to 45 days to deliver the final order. If the Commission takes longer time then it will notify you of the extension of the resolution period.
Q. What should I do if I’m not satisfied with the final order?
A. You may take advice from any legal expert (Lawyer/Advocate) in the field. Further, you may appeal before the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) and judicial bodies against the final order.