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Florida PSC: File a Consumer Complaint Against Utility Companies to Florida Public Service Commission


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The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) is a state agency that regulates the rates and quality of service of some of the most essential utilities in the State of Florida, such as electricity, natural gas, water, wastewater, and telecommunications. The PSC ensures safe and reliable utility services at fair prices in Florida, while also protecting the environment and the interests of consumers.

Consumers, who reside in Florida, can file a complaint to the Florida PSC against any utility company that is regulated by the PSC, as long as they have first contacted the utility company and tried to resolve the issue but not resolved satisfactorily.

The utility issues may include billing disputes, relief in the amount of pending bills, quality of utility services, service outages, water/wastewater, natural gas, refunds, or other consumer disputes with utility companies. You can complain about these issues to the PSC Consumer Bureau.

The Commission does not regulate the rates or service quality of municipal or cooperative utilities, except for safety and territorial issues. The PSC also does not regulate cable TV, internet, wireless, or satellite services.

Please note: For any complaints regarding slamming or telecommunication companies, you may file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Consumer Complaint to Florida Public Service Commission

The PSC helps consumers resolve complaints or disputes with their utility service providers, such as billing errors, service outages, repairs, deposits, refunds, etc. You can file a complaint online, by phone, by fax, or by mail.

You can complain to Florida PSC to protect yourself from unfair or unreasonable utility practices. Also get assistance from PSC, such as:

  • Consumer Education: To understand the utility services, compare utility rates and options, conserve energy and water, and participate in PSC proceedings.
  • Consumer Protection: Get help for audits, inspections, investigations, and hearings to monitor and evaluate the performance and compliance of utility companies.
  • Financial Aids: Florida PSC also provides financial aid for late or pending bill amounts, helping hands for lower-income families, and other programs like Lifeline, reduction in energy rates, subsidies, etc.

Required Details

To make a complaint online with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), provide the following required details on the web form:

  • Company Information: Industry, Complaint Type, and Company Name
  • Consumer Details:
    • Contact information: Name, Email/Phone, Home address, and City
    • Service Account: Account Number, and Address
    • Description of complaint with previously submitted same complaint to PSC, if any
  • Reference to supporting document (if any)

File a Complaint

Official details of the Consumer Assistance Lince of Florida Public Service Commission to file a utility complaint:

Department Consumer Assistance, Florida PSC
Online Webform File a complaint online
Hotline +18003423552 (Toll-Free); +18504136100 (Local)
Fax 18005110809
Mailing Address Consumer Bureau, Florida Public Service Commission, Shumard Oak Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850.

Note – To check the status of your submitted complaints to PSC, click here (

If your complaints are not resolved to your expectations, you or public utility companies may “file a formal complaint” to the Florida Public Service Commission.

For assistance and information concerning the e-filing (Electronic Document Filing) process, please communicate to the PSc’s Clerk’s Office via email at or call their phone number at +18504136770.

Please note: For consumer telecommunications complaints, you can complain to the Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of Consumer Services at:

Department Consumer Division, Florida Department of Agriculture
Consumer Hotline +18504103800 (General), +18004357352 (Florida)
Toll-free Hotline +18003529832 (Spanish)
Online Web: Contact FDACS (
Address Division of Consumer Services, Florida Department of Agriculture, 2005 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32399-6500

Jurisdiction of Florida PSC

The PSC has jurisdiction over four types of utility services and regulates the rates, service quality, and safety of these companies:

  • Electric: The five investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) in Florida are: Florida Power & Light Company, Duke Energy Florida, Tampa Electric Company, Gulf Power Company, and Florida Public Utilities Company. The Commission also oversees the territorial agreements and disputes between IOUs and municipal electric utilities or rural electric cooperatives.
  • Natural Gas: Two IOUs that provide natural gas service are: Florida City Gas and Florida Public Utilities Company. The PSC also regulates the safety of the natural gas transmission and distribution systems of municipal gas utilities and independent gas companies.
  • Water and Wastewater: About 150 IOUs provide water and/or wastewater service in Florida. The PSC also has limited jurisdiction over some water and wastewater systems owned by counties, municipalities, and special districts.
  • Telecommunications: The PSC regulates the Lifeline Assistance Program, which provides discounted phone service to low-income customers, the Florida Relay Service, which enables communication for hearing- or speech-impaired customers, and the payphone service in Florida.

Note: The Commission also monitors the competitive market for telecommunications services in Florida and resolves some disputes between telecommunications companies.


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