TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPNODL), a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of Odisha, is an electricity distribution company. TPNODL serves the northern region of Odisha with these districts: Balasore, Bhadrak, Baripada, Jajpur, and Keonjhar.
Have complaints about TPNODL electricity services? You can complain to customer support through the toll-free electricity helpline number or submit a complaint online directly to TPNODL.
Please note: In cases of consumer rights violations by TPNODL, you may complain to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), a national consumer protection authority, under the Department of Consumer Affairs, or with the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC).
How to File a Complaint to TP Northern Odisha Distribution Ltd?
As per the citizen charter of TPNODL, the grievance redressal process has three levels:
- Level 1: File a complaint to the Sub-Division/Customer Center of TPNODL.
- Level 2: Escalate the issue to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum.
- Level 3: Appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman for Odisha.

Further, if you are dissatisfied with the final decision of the Ombudsman, you can appeal to the regulatory authority or the High Court of Odisha.
Level 1: Customer Care, TPNODL Electricity Board
For issues such as power outages, billing discrepancies, service interruptions, fuse or transformer breakdowns, or any other electricity-related concerns, you can complain to TPNODL officials and the customer care center via the provided contact methods and helpline numbers.
- TPNODL Electricity Complaint Number: 1912, 18003456718
- Customer Care Number: +917411779791 (Missed Call)
- Email:
- Complain online to TPNODL: file a complaint
- Contact Details: Contact TPNODL Customer Care Center of Ward/Divisions
When lodging a complaint, please include the following details:
- TPNODL Connection number (if applicable)
- Type of complaint
- Detailed description of the issue, along with any relevant photos or documents, such as bill copies for billing-related issues
- Other supporting documents or evidence that might aid in resolving the issue.
For managing payment or billing adjustments, or to access online services, please visit the TPWODL customer portal (Mobidyut).
If your earlier complaints have not been resolved, escalate your case by providing the reference/acknowledgement ID to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) of TPNODL.
Still unresolved? You can file your grievance with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).
Level 2: Lodge a Grievance to Consumer Forum (CGRF), TPNODL
If your previously lodged complaints to TPNODL Customer Service are not resolved within 30 working days, escalate the matter by submitting a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).
The TPNODL Forum is a quasi-judicial body that works under the OERC Distribution (Condition of Supply) Code, 2004.
For filing a grievance, required details:
- A filled-out grievance form or a written complaint on plain paper
- Your Consumer Number and contact information
- The Reference Number from your prior complaint (TPNODL)
- Copies of any previous complaints lodged with SDO/EE or other relevant officer, including received responses, if any
- The specific resolution or remedy you are seeking
- Any additional documents that support your claim
- A signed declaration form
Please remember: Your grievance must be lodged within 30 days from the end of the resolution period or from when you receive the final response from TPNODL, whichever comes first.
Contact Details of CGRF Forum
Contact details to lodge your grievance with CGRF:
CGRF Office, TPNODL | Contact Details |
Balasore | Address: CGRF, BALASORE, Grievances Redressal Forum, Vivekananda Marg, Near Kali Mandir, Dist. Balasore – 756 001. Phone: +916782-269579 Email:, |
Jajpur Road | Address: CGRF, JAJPUR ROAD, Grievances Redressal Forum, Jajpur Road, TTS Colony, Dhabalagiri PO Sobra, Dist. Jajpur 755 019 Phone: +916726299932 Email:, |
Finally, don’t forget to obtain an acknowledgement receipt for your records after submitting a grievance.
Level 3: Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, Odisha
As per the OERC (Electricity Supply Code and Standards of Performance of Distribution Licensees) Regulations, you have the right to appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman if:
- Your complaint with the CGRF of TPNODL is not resolved within 45 days.
- You are dissatisfied with the resolution offered by the CGRF.
- The resolution from the CGRF is partial or not complete.
In such cases, you can file a grievance against Tata Power North Odisha Distribution Limited with the Electricity Ombudsman of Odisha.
Your appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman should be submitted within 30 days from the date you receive the final decision from the CGRF.
Please note: This process is free, and you do not require legal representation, although you may consult the Consumer Advocacy Cell for assistance.
If the decision of the Electricity Ombudsman is not to your satisfaction, you then have the option to escalate your case to the High Court of Odisha or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, particularly for disputes concerning commercial licenses or other specific issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I file a complaint with TPNODL?
A. You can report issues to TPNODL through their toll-free helpline numbers 1912 and 18003456718, by giving a missed call to +917411779791, or by emailing Complaints can also be filed online through TPNODL’s website.
Q. What common issues can I report to TPNODL?
A. You can report a variety of issues including no power supply, billing disputes, street lighting problems, and safety hazards such as unsafe wiring or exposed cables.
Q. What steps should I follow if my complaint is not resolved by TPNODL customer service?
A. If your complaint is not addressed within 30 working days, you should escalate it by filing a grievance with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of TPNODL.
Q. What details are needed to file a grievance with the CGRF?
A. To file a grievance, you’ll need a completed grievance form or a written complaint, your consumer number, the reference number of your previous complaint, any prior complaints and responses, the resolution you seek, and any supporting documents.
Q. Where can I find the contact details for the CGRF offices in different districts?
A. Contact details for CGRF offices in various districts like Balasore and Jajpur are available on TPNODL’s website and in their customer service centers.
Q. What should I do if the CGRF resolution is unsatisfactory?
A. If the CGRF does not resolve your complaint within 45 days or if you are dissatisfied with their resolution, you can appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman of Odisha. This must be done within 30 days from receiving the CGRF’s final decision.
Q. What are my options if I am not satisfied with the decision of the Electricity Ombudsman?
A. If the decision of the Electricity Ombudsman does not resolve your issue, you can further escalate your case to the High Court of Odisha or the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, especially for disputes related to commercial licenses or specific issues.