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Electricity Ombudsman, West Bengal: File a Complaint Against Discoms to Electricity Ombudsman, WBERC


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The West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) was established under the Electricity Act of 2003. Since June 10, 2003, it has been functioning as the primary authority for regulating electricity and distributing licenses to companies in the state. WBERC operates as a separate legal entity with perpetual succession and a common seal, as outlined in Sections 82(2) and 82(3) of the Electricity Act, 2003.

WBERC’s main office, as declared by the Government of West Bengal under Notification No. 317 Power/III dated 25.11.2003, is located in Bidhannagar, North 24 Paraganas district.

WBERC has constituted a quasi-judicial body called the Electricity Ombudsman, mandated by Section 42(6) of the Electricity Act to address consumer grievances against distribution licensees. Consumers, who are dissatisfied with decisions of Grievance Redressal Officers at CGRF Forums or delays exceeding 100 working days, can appeal to the Ombudsman, as per the WBERC (Guidelines for Establishment of Forum for Redressal of Grievances of Consumers and Time and Manner of Dealing with such Grievances by the Ombudsman) Regulations, 2013.

The licenses for Discoms are issued by WBERC based on recommendations provided by the Government of West Bengal. Licensees are:

If your complaints to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of respective Discoms in West Bengal are not resolved within 100 days or if you are dissatisfied with the final order, you can file a complaint or appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman, West Bengal, within 20 days of the final order or the expiry of the resolution period.

Electricity Ombudsman, West Bengal (WBERC)

The Electricity Ombudsman (EO) Office in West Bengal is established under the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) Guidelines for Establishment of Forum for Redressal of Grievances of Consumers and Time and Manner of Dealing with such Grievances by the Ombudsman Regulations, 2013  and the Electricity Act, 2003.

It functions as a quasi-judicial body empowered to address consumer cases or complaints against electricity licensees or Discom companies. Consumers have the right to appeal or represent their grievances to the Electricity Ombudsman within 20 days of receiving the final order or upon the expiry of the resolution period, which is typically 100 days, as determined by the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the respective Discoms.

File an Appeal

To file an appeal against Discoms with the Electricity Ombudsman in West Bengal, you can submit a complaint application on plain paper or fill out the provided representation form. You can your right to seek relief or demand compensation for any financial losses, including billing disputes, from the relevant Electricity Board or Distribution Company.

For assistance regarding applicable laws or procedures, feel free to reach out to the Consumer Advocacy Cell of the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) for complimentary legal advice. This service is extended to consumers/complainants at no charge.

To initiate an appeal or petition, kindly follow the instructions and download the necessary representation forms provided below.

Required Details

The following details are required for representation before the Electricity Ombudsman, West Bengal:

  • DownloadPetition Form (English)
  • Name and address of the complainant: The person who is aggrieved by the order of the Forum or the non-redressal of the grievance by the Forum.
  • Name and address of the licensee: The distribution licensee against whom the complaint is made.
  • Date of receipt of order of the Forum: The date on which the complainant received the order of the Forum, if any.
  • Details of the order of the Forum: The number, date and gist of the order of the Forum, if any.
  • Brief facts of the complaint: The main points of the complaint, such as the nature of the grievance, the relief sought, the response of the licensee, etc.
  • Grounds of appeal: The reasons why the complainant is not satisfied with the order of the Forum or the non-redressal of the grievance by the Forum.
  • Prayer: The specific relief or remedy sought by the complainant from the Electricity Ombudsman.
  • Verification: A declaration by the complainant that the information given in the representation is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.

Please noteYou have to submit the representation within 20 days from the date of the Forum’s order.

The Case Hearing Fee & Resolution Period:

Petition Fee No Charges
Resolution Period 45 to 90 days (may extend with the nature of the case)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 3 to 7 days (Immediately, if directly submitted in the office)
Hearing Fees As prescribed by the Ombudsman

Please noteThe same represented case should not be pending before any other forum, court, tribunal, arbitrator, or authority. Additionally, it should not fall under sections 126, 127, 135 to 139, 152, and 161 of the Electricity Act.


Follow the instructions to file a petition:

  1. Download the Representation Form of EO, WB:
  2. If not using the form, prepare a written representation on plain paper. Include your name, address, required details, and sign it.
  3. Attach an affidavit supporting your representation, along with a true copy of the forum’s order and the original complaint submitted to the forum.
  4. Submit a copy of your representation form to the Ombudsman’s office and all involved respondents.
  5. If required by the forum’s order, deposit one-third of the specified payment and provide proof along with your representation.
  6. Ensure to submit your representation within 20 days from the CGRF Forum’s order date.
  7. To submit the form:
    1. Send it by post or visit the office in person.
    2. Send an email with the attached documents (Must send or submit the physical form within a week).
  8. After submission, obtain an acknowledgment receipt and track your case status in the “Track Status” section.

Contact Electricity Ombudsman

Official communication details of the Electricity Ombudsman of West Bengal to send a representation/appeal form:

Designation Electricity Ombudsman, WB
Phone Number +913329623752, +913329623766
Address To, WB Electricity Ombudsman – West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission, Plot No AH/5 (2nd & 4th Floor), Premises No: MAR16-1111, Action Area-1A, Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata – 700163.

Note: If you are dissatisfied with the final decision of the Ombudsman in West Bengal, you may seek advice from a legal expert to represent your case in the Calcutta High Court.

Businesses or industries in West Bengal can file a petition with the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission to resolve disputes with Discoms. Additionally, they can approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL).

Finally, companies can pursue legal action by appealing before judicial bodies such as the Calcutta High Court or the Supreme Court of India.


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