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Electricity Ombudsman, JERC: File a Complaints Against Electricity Distribution Companies to the Electricity Ombudsman for Goa and UTs


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The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) is an autonomous authority that regulates the power sector in the state of Goa and the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Puducherry. It was established by the Central Government under the Electricity Act 2003 and is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana. The JERC has the power to adjudicate disputes between licensees, act as arbitrator, and function as a civil court for matters related to electricity.

Consumers dissatisfied with decisions made by Grievance Redressal Officers at CGRF (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) forums or facing delays exceeding 45 working days can appeal to the Ombudsman within 30 days, as defined in the JERC (Establishment of Forum for Redressal of Grievances of Consumers) Regulations, 2009.

The licenses for Discoms are issued by JEC based on recommendations provided by the Government of Goa and other UTs. These Discoms are:

  • Electricity Department of Goa
  • Andaman & Nicobar Islands Electricity Department
  • Chandigarh Electricity Department
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Power Distribution Corporation Limited (DNHDDPDCL)
  • Lakshadweep Electricity Department
  • Electricity Department, Puducherry

Electricity Ombudsman, JERCUTs

The JERC (Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission) has established a quasi-judicial entity known as the Electricity Ombudsman for the state of Goa and UTs, by Section 42(6) of the Electricity Act, tasked with handling consumer complaints against distribution licensees.

Consumers can appeal or present their grievances to the Electricity Ombudsman within 30 days following receipt of the final order or after the lapse of the resolution period, usually set at 45 working days by the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the relevant Discoms, as mandated by JERC regulations.

File an Appeal

To initiate an appeal against Discoms with the Electricity Ombudsman under JERC jurisdiction, you can submit a complaint application on plain paper or download the provided representation form. You have the right to seek relief or claim compensation for any financial losses, including billing disputes, from the relevant Electricity Board or Distribution Company.

For guidance on applicable laws or procedures, you are encouraged to contact the Consumer Advocacy Cell of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for complimentary legal advice. This service is offered to consumers/complainants free of charge.

To commence an appeal or petition, please adhere to the instructions and access the requisite representation forms provided below.

Required Details

Here is a list of required details to file a representation before the Electricity Ombudsman from this pdf file:

  • DownloadPetition Form (English)
  • Name and address of the consumer – The consumer should provide their full name and address with pin code, phone number, and email ID.
  • Name and address of the distribution licensee – The consumer should provide the name and address of the distribution licensee or electricity department that provides the electricity service.
  • Name and address of the Forum – The consumer should provide the name and address of the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) that has given the order against which the representation is being made.
  • Particulars of connection and consumer number – The consumer should provide the nature of the connection (domestic, commercial, industrial, etc.) and the consumer number assigned by the distribution licensee.
  • Date of submission of grievance to the Forum – The consumer should provide the date on which they submitted their grievance to the Forum and enclose three copies of the grievance
  • Subject matter of the representation – The consumer should provide a brief description of the issue or dispute that they are appealing against.
  • Details of the representation – The consumer should provide a statement of facts or narration of the case, explaining the grounds for their representation and the relief sought from the Ombudsman. If the space is not sufficient, they can enclose a separate sheet.
  • Copy of the order of the Forum – The consumer should enclose three copies of the order of the Forum conveying its final decision on the grievance.
  • List of documents enclosed – The consumer should enclose three copies of all the documents that support the facts giving rise to the representation, such as bills, receipts, correspondence, etc.
  • Declaration – The consumer should sign a declaration stating that the information furnished is true and correct, that they have not concealed or misrepresented any fact, that the subject matter of the representation has not been brought before or settled by the Ombudsman or any other authority in the past, and that they accept the award of the Ombudsman as final and binding.
  • Nomination – If the consumer wants to nominate a representative (who is not an advocate) to appear and make submissions on their behalf before the Ombudsman, they should submit a nomination form along with the representation, signed by both the consumer and the representative.

Please noteYou have to submit the representation within 30 days from the date of the Forum’s order.

The Case Hearing Fee & Resolution Period:

Petition Fee No Charges
Resolution Period 45 to 90 days (may extend with the nature of the case)
Acknowledgment receipt Within 3 to 7 days (Immediately, if directly submitted in the office)
Hearing Fees As prescribed by the Ombudsman

Please noteThe same represented case should not be pending before any other forum, court, tribunal, arbitrator, or authority. Additionally, it should not fall under sections 126, 127, 135 to 139, 152, and 161 of the Electricity Act.


Follow the instructions to file a petition:

  • Step 1: Make sure you have exhausted the other remedies available, such as submitting a complaint to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of your distribution licensee or electricity department and receiving their final decision or order.
  • Step 2: Fill out the representation form or write a letter on plain paper, containing the required details:
  • Step 3: Attach three copies of the following documents to your representation form or letter:
    • The grievance was submitted to the CGRF with all documents.
    • The order of the CGRF conveys its final decision.
    • Any other document that supports the facts giving rise to the representation.
  • Step 4: Send the representation form or letter with the attachments to the Electricity Ombudsman for JERC at the official address.
    • Send it by post or visit the office in person.
    • Email with the attached documents (Must send or submit the physical form within a week).
  • Step 5: Wait for the response of the Electricity Ombudsman, who will try to settle the dispute by mutual agreement, conciliation, or mediation, or pass an award with reasons for the decision made.

You will be notified in writing about the date, time, and venue of the hearing, if any, and you can appear yourself or through your nominated representative. You will also receive a copy of the final decision, which you can accept or reject within one month of receipt.

If you accept the decision, the distribution licensee or electricity department will comply with it within 15 days of receipt of your acceptance letter and intimate the Electricity Ombudsman. If you do not accept the final order, you can pursue other legal remedies.

Contact Electricity Ombudsman

Official communication details of the Electricity Ombudsman of JERCUTs to send a representation/appeal form:

Designation Electricity Ombudsman, Goa and UTs
Phone Number +911242875303
Address Electricity Ombudsman for State of Goa and UTs, “Vanijya Nikunj”, (HSIIDC Office Complex), 2nd Floor, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Gurgaon-122016

Please note: If you are not satisfied with the final decision of the Ombudsman under JERC jurisdiction, you can take advice from a legal expert to represent your case in the appropriate court, such as the High Court within the relevant jurisdiction.

Businesses or industries operating under JERC jurisdiction can file a petition with the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission to resolve disputes with Discoms. Additionally, they have the option to approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) for resolution.


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User Reviews (1)

July 30, 2024

Helpline no. Never works

Their is low voltage from 1am here at chandigarh sector 39 B, kindly look into it. No helpline is working


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Their is low voltage from 1am here at chandigarh sector 39 B, kindly look into it. No helpline is workingElectricity Ombudsman, JERC: File a Complaints Against Electricity Distribution Companies to the Electricity Ombudsman for Goa and UTs