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Cemig Customer Care: How to Lodge an Electricity Complaint to Cemig Distribuição SA


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Cemig Distribuição S.A. (or Cemig D) is an electric energy distribution company in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is a subsidiary of the Cemig Group, an energy generation and transmission, as well as a natural gas distribution company. Cemig D is the largest electric energy distributor in Brazil in terms of network extension, with more than 400,000 km of lines and cables.

It serves around 18 million people in 774 municipalities in Minas Gerais, providing electric energy to 42.9% of total residential consumers. Also, Cemig D also holds stakes in other companies in the electric sector, such as Aliança Geração de Energia, Norte Energia, and Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica.

Cemig D serves in these cities of Minas Gerais, Brazil:

  • Alfenas
  • Andrelândia
  • Arantina
  • Araporã
  • Barbacena
  • Belo Horizonte
  • Botelhos
  • Brumadinho
  • Caeté
  • Campanha
  • Campo Belo
  • Cambuí
  • Capelinha
  • Carmo da Mata
  • Carmo do Cajuru
  • Caxambu
  • Conselheiro Lafaiete
  • Conselheiro Pena
  • Coronel Fabriciano
  • Divinópolis
  • Formiga
  • Itajubá
  • Juiz de Fora
  • Lavras
  • Mariana
  • Matipó
  • Montes Claros
  • Ouro Preto
  • Passos
  • Poços de Caldas
  • Pouso Alegre
  • Ribeirão das Neves
  • Sabará
  • Santa Luzia
  • São João del-Rei
  • São Lourenço
  • Sete Lagoas
  • Três Corações
  • Uberlândia
  • Varginha
  • Viçosa

Want to complain about Cemig D’s electricity services? To report a power outage or complain about Cemig D services, call the toll-free Cemig electricity helpline number, customer care, or regional office. Additionally, file a complaint online or through WhatsApp/Email/App to Cemig D’s Customer Service Department

Common issues related to power supply you might encounter:

  • Power Supply Disruption: Sudden power cuts or disruptions promptly.
  • Power Outages: The area experiences prolonged power outages & streetlight issues.
  • Transformer Failure: Notify Cemig D about transformer failures affecting your supply.
  • Electricity Bill Correction: Spotted discrepancies in your bill, debt rebate, or request corrections.
  • Name/Mobile/Email Correction: Update your personal details for accurate communication.
  • Change of Ownership: Need to transfer the ownership for electricity services.
  • Change of Address: Inform Cemig D about your change of address to ensure uninterrupted service.
  • Meter Inspection/Change/Shift: Address meter-related issues.
  • Tariff or Load Changes: Changes in your tariff rates or load requirements.

Not resolved or dissatisfied with the final resolution of Cemig customer care? In this case, you can lodge a complaint to the appointed appellate authority, Cemig D. Finally, you can lodge a complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman.

How to File an Electric Energy Complaint to Cemig Distribuição SA?

According to the customer service policy of Cemig D, the grievance redressal mechanism is divided into 2 levels. In tier 1, customers can raise their concerns through customer service channels to Cemig D. If the complaints are not addressed satisfactorily within the resolution period by the authorities, then escalate the disputed matter by complaining to the Electricity Ombudsman, MG.

Organizational structure of Cemig D
Organizational structure of Cemig D (source –

Grievance Redressal Time Limit:

Registration fee No Charges (0)
Resolution Period Immediately or up to 30 days (depending on the issue, read the Cemig D service policy to know more about the time limit)

2 Levels of lodging an electricity complaint:

  • Level 1: Customer Service, Cemig D
    • Toll-free power helpline number
    • WhatsApp/Email
    • Cemig Atende App
    • Online complaint registration
  • Level 2: Electric Ombudsman, MG

Further, you can appeal before the concerned energy regulatory commission or authorities constituted by the government.

Level 1: Customer Service, Cemig D

At this level, customers can use both offline and online methods to lodge an electricity complaint to Cemig D. If you encounter issues with electric energy services then file a complaint by calling the power helpline number of nearby service stations or toll-free customer care number.

Additionally, lodge a complaint online to Cemig through the Cemig Atende App, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Provide the following details to register your concerns:

  • Service Provider Number (if applicable)
  • Location (for power outage & other issues)
  • Issue with reference (if required)

Cemig Customer Care Number

Official Cemig electric energy helpline number and hotline to lodge an energy complaint:

Electric Energy, Cemig D Customer Care Number
Cemig Electric Complaint Number 116
WhatsApp Number +553135061160
Cemig D Customer Care Number (other states) 8007210116
Cemig D Phone Service (Hearing Impaired) 8007238007
SMS (I have no power) 29810
Report Streetlight outage (public lighting) Click Here
Contact for New Connection (Medium Voltage) 8007277520
Debt Installment (consumer unit) 08007217003

Note: If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction within the given resolution timeframe by Cemig Customer Service, then you can escalate the case to the next level.

File a Complaint Online

Customers of Cemig D can also lodge electricity complaints online through the Grievance Redressal Form and various platforms like mobile apps and social channels.

Online customer service includes:

  • E-Bills: Cemig electricity bills, 2nd copy of the account, correcting errors, tariff charges, debt installments, wrong bill concerns, refunds, and payment transactions.
  • Meter Services: Meter inspections, shifts, changes, or tests to ensure accurate readings.
  • Account Management: Address changes, ownership transfers, correcting personal information, and application of new power connections.
  • Power Supply Concerns: Power outages, load changes, shutdown problems, and disconnections/reconnections.

Don’t forget to note down the service protocol or reference number to track the status and use it to escalate the unresolved complaint.

Lodge your electric complaint online:

Register online electric complaint to Cemig D File your complaint
Report online power theft Report now
Cemig WhatsApp Number +553135061160
Telegram @cemigbot
Twitter @cemig_energia
Request a new energy connection Apply now
Power shutdown/ outage status Track Status
Mobile App Cemig Atende
Android | iOS

Tips: If you need more help or want to escalate the unresolved complaints to higher authorities, then contact the Consumer Council of Cemig by emailing with the referring disputed matter.

Note: Dissatisfied with the final resolution or not resolved within the given time limit? You can file a complaint against Cemig D to the Energy Ombudsman, MG.

Level 2: Electricity Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is the apex body to resolve the disputes related to Cemig D energy services that are not resolved or you are not satisfied with the final resolution of the company. So, If your energy concern is not resolved within the stipulated timeframe or dissatisfied with the response, then lodge a complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman.

Provide the following details in the online complaint form:

  • Personal details: Name, email, and phone number
  • Communication address: Location, city, and state
  • Installation data: Installation number, customer number, and 1st level protocol (reference number)
  • Complaint Details: Reason and description of the issue
  • Attachment: Attach supporting documents, images, etc.

Note: To escalate the electricity complaint, please provide the protocol number from your initial interaction with Cemig D customer service at level 1. You may expect a response from the Ombudsman within 10 business days.

Send a Letter or Contact the Ombudsman Office to Escalate the Complaint:

Designation Electricity Ombudsman, MG
Phone Number 08007283838
Form (online) Lodge a complaint
Address Attn: Ombudsman – Avenida Barbacena, n.º 1200 – Bairro Santo Agostinho – Belo Horizonte – MG – CEP 30190-131

Tip: If you are still not satisfied with the final response, then contact the respective Appellate Authority of the government or Consumer Commission (for the violation of consumer rights) to get compensated by Cemig D for the monetary loss.


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