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TANGEDCO Fuse Call Center, Chennai North: Customer Care Number of TN Electricity Board (TNEB) Sub-Stations in Chennai North


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TANGEDCO, the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited, is responsible for providing electricity to the state of Tamil Nadu, India. TANGEDCO has a dedicated fuse call center to assist customers with issues related to the power supply and fuse. This page provides the fuse call center phone number and contact details of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) in the Chennai North Region.

For immediate assistance or to register an electricity complaint, call the toll-free number 1912, +919498794987 or 0441912.

1. North Circle, Chennai

Phone numbers and other contact details of the TNEB fuse call center:

Fuse Call Center, TNEB Customer Care Number
Perambur +914425508050/+919445850981
Sembium +914425375393/+919445850979
Villivakkam +914426262971/+919445850980
Tondiarpet +914425951156/+919445850974
Thiruvottiyur +914425990619/+919445850977
Vyasarpadi +914425522232/+919445850982
Royapuram +914425901049/+919445850983
Korukkupet +914425990619/+919445850978
Madhavaram +914425376218
SIDCO SS +914426170622
TOL Gate +914425950120/+919445850976
Ennore +914425750247/+919445850975
Stanley +914425229412/+919445850984
Kodungaiyur +914425543255/+919445850985

2. Central Circle, Chennai

Phone Numbers and Contact Details of the TNEB Fuse Call Center:

Fuse Call Center, TNEB Customer Care Number
Bells Road +914425361336/+919445850782
Egmore +914426618008/+919445850790
Flower Bazzar +914425340708/+919445850783
High Court(ESPLANDE) +914425211964/+919445850784
Kilpauk +914426413312/+919445850791
Mandaveli +914424641134/+919445850789
Mylapore +914428112526/+919445850787
Nungabakkam +914428330162/+919445850786
Nandanam +914424351295/+919445850777
Otteri +914426622168/+919445850792
Saidapet +914424341898/+919445850796
Pudupet +914428451469/+919445850785
Pulianthope +914426670066/+919445850794
R.A.Puram +914424937383/+919445850797
Royapettah +914428419823/+919445850788
Saidapet(West) +914423712221/+919445850681
Sowcarpet +914425268855/+919445850793
Mambalam +914424341052/+919445850795
West Mambalam +914424896754/+919445850767

3. West Circle, Chennai

Phone Numbers and Contact Details of the TNEB Fuse Call Center:

Fuse Call Center, TNEB Customer Care Number
Arumbakkam +914423631714/+919445850381
Anna Nagar, North +914426214427/+919445850381
Chetpet +914426414398/+919445850378
Thirumangalam +914426162800/+919445850376
Koyambedu +914424799171/+919445850383
Maduravoyal +919445850386
Thiruverkadu 110KV SS +914426800104
Shenoy Nagar +914426214427/+919445850380
Ambattur +914426242004/+919445850392
Ambattur IE +914426251224/+919445850394
J.J.Nagar +914426565002/+919445850391
Avadi +914426384010/+919445850397
Sengundram (Red hills) +914426310293/+919445850401
Pattabiram +914426850152/+919445850397
Shanthi Colony +914426204462/+919445071488
Banu Nagar +914426860332/+919445071489
Korattur +914426251157/+919445071490
Nolambur +914426536002/+919445071491
Puzhal +914426591290/+919445071492

If your complaints are still not resolved, file an online complaint to TN Electricity Board for the matters related to the power supply and fuse call center in Chennai North Region. Further, you may approach the Divisional Offices by lodging a grievance to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell of TANGEDCO.

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