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NBPDCL: Control Room Phone Number, Email, and Other Contact Details of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd

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North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NBPDCL) is a public limited Discom, owned by the Government of Bihar, serving the North Bihar region. You can lodge complaints about issues related to the electricity distribution services of NBPDCL, including power outages, transformer failures, billing disputes, or service line infrastructure problems.

For unresolved complaints, contact the NBPDCL Customer Care Control Room or the Sub-Divisional Officials of the Internal Grievance Cell (IGR).

To register an electricity complaint, visit the link below:

If your complaints are not resolved at Level 1 by the Customer Care Fault Center or Sub-Divisional Officers of NBPDCL, escalate the matter to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGR Cell) at Level 2.

If the issue remains unresolved, further escalate your grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of NBPDCL. Additionally, you may file a complaint or appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman of Bihar.

Contact details of the internal grievance cell (IGR Cell) in each circle, division, and sub-division of NBPDCL are provided below. Customers and industrial clients can call, email, or write to the designated engineers or officials.

Control Room, North Bihar Electricity Board

Control Room, NBPDCL Contact Numbers
Vidyut Bhawan +917763818426, +917763818425
Muzaffarpur (U-1) +919264456432, +916212210001
Muzaffarpur (U-2) +919264456401, +916212210001
Muzaffarpur (E) +916212273142
Muzaffarpur (W) +919264456400
Sheohar +919264456402
Sitamarhi +919264456403
Hajipur +919939494732
Mahua +919264456430
Motihari +919264456405
Raxaul +919264456406
Bettia +919264456407
Bagha +919264456429
Chhapra(W) +919264456408
Chapra(E) +919264456409
Siwan +919264456410
Gopalganj +917763818929
Darbhanga (R) +919264456412
Darbhanga (U) +917763818777, +919264456413
Madhubani +919264456414
Jhanjharpur +919264456415
Samastipur +919264456416
Dalsinghsarai +919264456417
Rosra +919264456418
Begusarai +919264456419
Barauni +919264456420
Saharsa +919264456421, +9106478222364
Khagaria +919264456422
Madhepura +919264456423
Supaul +919264456424
Purnea(W) +916454242679, +919264456425
Araria +919264456426
Mirganj +919264190788
Katihar +919264456427
Kishanganj +916456222780
Pupri +916287801594
Chakia +916287742614
Maharajganj +919264190782
Benipur +917633997831
Jainagar +919264190783
Simri Bakhtiyaarpur +917070995593
Udaikishanganj +917763815555, +919262892553
Forbisganaj +917763818936
Barsoi +919031864314
Bahadurganj +917763818942

You can use these contact details of the Circle, Divisional, and Sub-Divisional offices of NBPDCL to lodge your electricity complaint.

If your issue remains unresolved, you may escalate your disputed matter to the Head/Corporate Office of NBPDCL (specifically for business or commercial disputes).

Headquarters, NBPDCL

Contact details of the Head Office:

Designation Managing Director, NBPDCL
Fax N/A
Address Headquarters, North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd., Vidyut Bhawan, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Patna, Bihar 800001, India.

If your issue remains unresolved, you can escalate the complaint to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of NBPDCL and the Electricity Ombudsman of Bihar.

For disputes involving the licensee, you may approach the Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC). Additionally, you can file an appeal with the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) for further action.

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User Reviews (2)

Asghar Ali
July 26, 2024

Why you have given this number! ! Always busy!! In the night time no one is picking the call. Might be they have put call on busy mode and sleeping

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Why you have given this number! ! Always busy!! In the night time no one is picking the call. Might be they have put call on busy mode and sleeping. Worst service in darbhanga city
Mahendra Singh
June 4, 2024

9am o clock no supply electricity bebagang Darbhanga

Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Poor system in


Overall (1 out of 5)
Quality of service (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)

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Quality of service
Customer Service
Why you have given this number! ! Always busy!! In the night time no one is picking the call. Might be they have put call on busy mode and sleeping. Worst service in darbhanga cityPoor system inNBPDCL: Control Room Phone Number, Email, and Other Contact Details of North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd