Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL or MahaDiscom) is the largest electricity distribution utility in India, serving over 25 million consumers across Maharashtra, except Mumbai Urban. Some of the major cities where MSEDCL serves are Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, Aurangabad, Solapur, Kolhapur, Thane, Navi Mumbai, and Pimpri-Chinchwad.
MSEDCL is responsible for providing reliable and affordable power supply to its customers, as well as ensuring customer satisfaction and grievance redressal.
However, sometimes customers may face issues such as power failure, billing errors, meter defects, connection delays, or other service-related complaints. In such cases, customers can register their electricity complaints to MSEDCL through helpline numbers, emails, or online complaint forms to resolve the problems at different levels and escalations.
We will explain how to register a complaint with MSEDCL and what are the different levels of redressal mechanisms available for the consumers.
Level 1: Customer Care, MSEDCL
MSEDCL Electricity Board has a Centralized Customer Care system, where customers can register their complaints through toll-free customer care numbers, the online portal, or a mobile app. Customers can also visit the Consumer Facilitation Centers (CFCs) in urban areas or the local MSEDCL offices in rural areas for various services and grievances.
Here are the available methods for registering an electricity complaint to MSEDCL:
- MSEDCL Electricity Complaint Number: 1912/ 19120, 18002123435
- Customer Care Number: 18002333435; +912226478246 (Online payment)
- E-mail:
- Online Payment Helpdesk:
- Local Consumer Facilitation Centre (Helpline Numbers): Click Here
- Online Complaint to MSEDCL: Register
- Mahavitran Mobile App: Android | iOS
Customers can also give a missed call at +912250897100 or send an SMS to +919930399303 with the message “NOPOWER <12 digit Consumer number>” to register power failure complaints.

Additionally, MSEDCL has a dedicated helpdesk for high-tension (HT) consumers and HT payment-related issues.
- HT Complaint Number: Call the helpline number +912226478989 / +912226478899.
- Email: You can also send an email to
For disputes related to e-tenders, email and resolve bidding queries.
Please note: For the violation of consumer rights, customers can also file a consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), a consumer protection authority of the Central Government.
Level 2: Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC)
If the consumer is not satisfied with the service or response of the MSEDCL, he or she can approach the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) of the respective division office and file the grievance as per the prescribed format ‘Form X’ which is available below.
- Download: Form X
- Online Complaint: Click to Register
The IGRC will not accept any grievance unless it is filed within two years from the date on which the cause of action has arisen.
After successful submission, the IGRC will issue an acknowledgement of the receipt of the grievance to the consumer within five working days from the date of receipt of the grievance.
How to Contact IGR Cell?
- Online: Re-open the online filed complaint or register a complaint again with the previous reference/ticket number of the complaint including the response and reason for dissatisfaction.
- Offline: Submit a written complaint letter or filled prescribed form to the Divisional IGR Cell by in-person or post. For this, customers can contact the divisional/sub-divisional offices through phone number, email, or visit the nearest office.
- Contact Details: Contact numbers and addresses available on the Mahavitran portal or the following page: Click Here
Note: The Internal Grievance Cell will resolve the grievance within two months from receipt of the grievance.
Level 3: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), MSEDCL
If the complaint is not redressed or not satisfied with the decision of the IGRC. In that case, customers can approach the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the respective zone under the prescribed format in schedule ‘A’ of the MERC (CGRF & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2006.
Please note that customers have to submit all the previous copies of submitted complaints and document-based evidence within 60 days from the date of the decision of the IGRC.
How to Lodge a Grievance to CGRF Forum?
For filing a complaint to CGRF, application form and the online grievance registration link:
- Download: Grievance Forum (English)
- Online Grievance: File a new complaint
Required Details:
- Consumer Information: Full name, address, pin code, and contact details.
- Connection Details: Type of connection (e.g., domestic, commercial) and consumer number.
- Licensee Information: Name of the electricity distribution licensee (MSEDCL).
- Grievance Description: Detailed account of the issue and any additional sheets if needed.
- Relief Sought: Specific remedy desired and supporting evidence.
- Documents Enclosed: List of relevant documents attached (bills, receipts, copies of previous complaints to IGRC, etc.).
- Declaration: Signed statement confirming the accuracy and truthfulness of provided information.
- Representative Nomination: Optional nomination of a non-advocate representative, with their acceptance.
However, the forum will not accept any grievance related to MSEDCL services that fall under the purview of the following provisions of the Electricity Act, of 2003:
- Unauthorized use of electricity as provided under section 126 of the Act.
- Offences and penalties as provided under sections 135 to 139 of the Act.
- Accident in the distribution, supply or use of electricity as provided under section 161 of the Act.
- Recovery of arrears where the bill amount is not disputed.
Process of the Grievance Redressal by CGRF Forum:
- After successfully submitting a grievance form the complainant will receive an acknowledgement of the receipt of the grievance by CGRF Forum within five working days.
- The Forum will forward a copy of the grievance to the zonal nodal officer designated by the MSEDCL for redressal or to file its reply to the grievance.
- The MSEDCL will finally provide issue-wise comments/replies on the grievance to the CGRF with a copy to the consumer within 15 days of intimation from the CGRF.
- In some cases, if the Nodal Office is unable to respond the CGRF will proceed with the hearing based on the material record available.
- The Forum will resolve the grievance within three months from receipt of the grievance.
Contact Details of CGRF Forum
To know the address, email, and contact numbers of the Zonal CGRF Forums of the MSEDCL Board in Maharashtra, Click Here.
Not satisfied with the final order? Escalate the complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman.
Level 4: Electricity Ombudsman, Maharashtra
If the consumer is still not satisfied with the decision of the CGRF or the complaint is not resolved within 3 months, he or she can approach the Electricity Ombudsman of Maharashtra by filing an appeal against Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited under the MERC (CGRF & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2006.
To file an appeal against MSEDCL, the complainant must submit a prescribed format of representation Form (or written complaint letter) in schedule ‘B’ of the regulation.
You have to attach copies of all the particulars (previous complaints and responses from CGRF), and document-based evidence within 30 days from the date of the final decision of the CGRF or the expiry of the resolution period.
Please note that the Electricity Ombudsman will hear the case and try to resolve the grievance within four months from the date of receipt of the grievance.
Other Consumer Authorities
If the consumer is not redressed or not satisfied with the decision of the Electricity Ombudsman, he or she can approach other consumer authorities or legal options such as:
1. Consumer Courts:
The consumer can file a complaint against the MSEDCL in the consumer courts under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. The consumer courts have the power to provide relief to the consumers such as compensation, refund, replacement, injunction, etc.
The consumer courts have three tiers: the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, and the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
The consumer can file an online complaint to the Consumer Commission through E-DAAKHIL in the appropriate forum depending on the value of the claim and the jurisdiction of the forum.
2. High Court:
The consumer can file a case in the High Court against the final order of the Electricity Ombudsman of Maharashtra to challenge the decision or for the rights violated by the MSEDCL. The High Court has the power to issue directions, orders, or writs to the MSEDCL or any other authority for the redressal of the grievance of the consumer.