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Steps to join the community,
get help.

Complaint Hub App

  1. Download the “Complaint Hub” app from Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app from your mobile.
  3. Click “Sign Up” (If don’t have an account).
  4. Choose “Google” to register with your google account.
  5. Select “Email” to register with your email.
  6. Click “+” button in bottom navigation to ask your question or get help.


  1. Visit the “Complaint Hub Citizen Community (” website on your mobile browser.
  2. From the top menu, click “Login” button.
  3. In the login pop-up, click “Sign Up” option from bottom.
  4. Register yourself with your email or with third party authentication.
  5. You can use your Google, GitHub, or X account for registration.
  6. After Successful registration, click “Ask a Question” button to post your question.


  1. Visit the “Complaint Hub Citizen Community (” website on a desktop browser.
  2. From the top menu, click “Sign Up” button.
  3. In the Sign-up pop-up, you can create your account.
  4. Register yourself with your email or with third party authentication.
  5. You can use your Google, GitHub, or X account for registration.
  6. After Successful registration, click “Ask a Question” button to post your question.

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