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CSPDCL Helplines: How to File an Electricity Complaint of Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Limited?


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Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited (CSPDCL) is the main electricity distribution company in Chhattisgarh. CSPDCL is responsible for the distribution of electricity across the state.

The Electricity Board services extend to a wide range of consumers, providing them with reliable electricity supply, solar rooftops, customer care support for various electricity-related needs, and facilitating bill payments and complaints resolution.

CSPDCL is divided into Raipur City, Raipur Rural, Bilaspur, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Ambikapur, Jagdalpur, and Raigarh regions.

If you have complaints related to electricity services provided by the CSPDCL Electricity Board, call the toll-free helpline number, send an email, or file an online complaint via the web form.

Please note: For the violation of consumer rights by CSPDCL, you can also file a consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), national consumer protection authority of the Department of Consumer Affairs or Consumer Commission (NCDRC).

Flow Chart for resolution of an electricity complaint by CSPDCL Electricity Board
Flow Chart for resolution of an electricity complaint by CSPDCL Electricity Board

Level 1: File a Complaint to CSPDCL Electricity Board

To register your complaint regarding power supply outages, billing disputes, fuse call center issues, or any other problems, you can use these communication methods provided by the Electricity Board.

When lodging your electricity-related complaints, please ensure to include the following details:

  1. CSPDCL Connection Number
  2. Nature of the Complaint
  3. Location of Incident (if applicable)
  4. Detailed description and supporting evidence (if necessary), such as copies of bills for billing disputes, photos, or other relevant documents.

To request corrections in outstanding bills or access online services, use the online consumer portal of Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited.

For contact details of your circle, divisional, and sub-station officers, including sub-divisions, refer to the officials’ contact page on the CSPDCL website.

If your complaints remain unresolved within the designated resolution period, escalate the matter to the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) at the nearest divisional office.

Note: Additionally, you may escalate complaints to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) at the Circle offices.

Level 2: Lodge a Grievance to CGRF Forum, CSPDCL

If your grievances previously raised with customer care, divisional offices, or the Internal Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC) of the CSPDCL are not resolved after 30 days, you should escalate the matter by filing a complaint with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) at your local zonal offices.

It’s important to escalate your complaint to the forum either within 30 days following the final response from the earlier stages or after the resolution period has passed, whichever is earlier.

When escalating a grievance to CGRF at CSPDCL, the following information is necessary:

  • Complainant’s Details: Provide your full name, address, contact number, and consumer number or application number if you have applied for a connection.
  • Grievance Type: Specify the category of your complaint, such as billing discrepancies, issues with electricity supply, meter problems, etc.
  • Grievance Description: Offer a detailed account of the grievance and the circumstances that led to it.
  • Desired Resolution: Describe the type of resolution or remedy you are seeking from the CGRF.
  • Supporting Documents: Include copies of all relevant documents that substantiate the details of your grievance.

The process and timeline for escalating a grievance:

  • Grievance Submission: You can file a grievance with the CGRF that covers the area where your connection is located or is being applied for.
  • Documentation: Attach all relevant supporting documents to your completed grievance form or written grievance letter.
  • How to Submit: You can submit your grievance in person, by mail, email, or fax. If you choose to submit by email, a physical copy must be sent within 7 days.
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt: You will receive an acknowledgement once your grievance is received. If you submit in person, this will be provided immediately. If submitted by other means, it will be sent by the next working day.

The CGRF Forum at CSPDCL will send a copy of the grievance to the relevant officer for comments. The officer is required to respond within 7 days for issues concerning non-supply, connection, or disconnection, and within 15 days for all other types of grievances.

Contact Details

Here are the official contact details for the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum at the circle offices in Chhattisgarh, where you can submit your grievances to escalate the matter with the CGRF Forum of the Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited.

CGRF Forum, CSPDCL Address & Contact Information
Raipur Address: Electricity Consumers Grievances Redressal Forum, Q.No. C-5, Electricity Board Compound, Gudhiyari, Raipur (CG) 492011.
Phone: +917712593112
Bilaspur Address: Electricity Consumers Grievances Redressal Forum, Q.No. – OB-1, Old Vidyut Mandal Colony, Tiffra, Bilaspur (CG) 495223.
Phone: +917752427010
Jagdalpur Address: Electricity Consumers Grievances Redressal Forum, Regional Administrative Building of C.S.P.D.C.L, Opposite Van Vidyalaya, Geedam Road, Jagdalpur (C.G) 494001.
Phone: +917782225095

Please note: If you are not satisfied with the resolution or if the CGRF does not issue a decision within the specified time frame, escalate the grievance to the Electricity Ombudsman of Chhattisgarh within 30 days from the date of the CGRF’s decision or the expiry of the CGRF’s decision-making period.

Level 3: Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, Chhattisgarh

If you have submitted a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of CSPDCL regarding an electricity service issue and are dissatisfied with their resolution, or if your issue remains unresolved after 30 days, you can escalate your case to the Electricity Ombudsman (EO) in Chhattisgarh.

The Electricity Ombudsman serves as an independent quasi-judicial authority tasked with resolving disputes between consumers and the CSPDCL.

Please note: You must file your complaint with the Electricity Ombudsman within 30 days of receiving the final decision from the CGRF.

Remember that this service is provided at no cost, and legal representation is not necessary.

If the decision from the Ombudsman is not satisfactory, you can appeal to the Chhattisgarh Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for a review. Additionally, you may escalate your case to the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) if necessary.

If you want to challenge the decision made by the Ombudsman, you can take legal action through the appropriate judicial authority, such as the High Court of Chhattisgarh.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What should I do if I am not satisfied with CSPDCL’s resolution to my electricity service issue?
    If you are unsatisfied with the resolution provided by CSPDCL or if your issue is not resolved after 30 days, you can escalate your grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF). If still unresolved or unsatisfactory, you can further escalate to the Electricity Ombudsman of Chhattisgarh within 30 days of the CGRF’s decision or after the expiry of the CGRF’s decision-making period.
  2. How can I submit a complaint to the CSPDCL?
    You can file a complaint with CSPDCL by calling their complaint number (1912 or 0771-1912 for calls outside Chhattisgarh), customer care number (18002334687), sending an email to, or using the online complaint form available on the CSPDCL website.
  3. What details are necessary when filing a grievance with the CGRF at CSPDCL?
    When submitting a grievance to the CGRF at CSPDCL, include your full name, address, contact number, and consumer number or application number if applicable. Also specify the type of grievance (e.g., billing discrepancies, electricity supply issues), provide a detailed description, the desired resolution, and attach any supporting documents.
  4. What are the common types of complaints handled by CSPDCL?
    Common complaints include electricity theft, power supply issues (such as outages and transformer failures), billing problems (errors in amounts and payment issues), and customer service issues (such as poor staff behaviour).
  5. What are the next steps if the decision by the Electricity Ombudsman is unsatisfactory?
    If the resolution from the Electricity Ombudsman is unsatisfactory, you can appeal to the Chhattisgarh Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for a review. If necessary, you can further escalate your case to the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL).
  6. Is there a charge for filing a complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman in Chhattisgarh?
    No, filing a complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman in Chhattisgarh is free of charge and does not require legal representation.


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